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I got banned from Music tournament



  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 8,632 Legend

    Your own score still shows up even if you play offline, but you cannot see the scores of others. In the last live tournament I played offline play did not give me the 30x multiplier, so it's not a very useful strategy, but I cannot test this out if this is true in the current tournament.

    I think I have read in the rules that you are not allowed to play simultaneously on more than one device. So yes, you can play three different devices, but only one at a time, which does not convey an advantage. If you see a player gaining impossible scores then they are using illegal methods and hopefully the systems will spot it and eliminate them.

  • pmin
    pmin Posts: 16 Level 2
    edited October 16

    Funny how everybody is innocent.... But to answer your question, if you play offline it will give you the 30x bonus when you get back online just so long as they were new levels.

  • K910
    K910 Posts: 21 Level 2

    That brings up an interesting point. I know It's over BUT for future reference, if they give you the 30x bonus when you get back online , do they do it retroactively? CUZ that would explain a huge jump in score , like if somebody flips back N forth to check scores, N they get the 30x added for all they've played since last time they came online.

    I didn't know what would be the advantage of playing offline , (like I said I didn't even know that was possible) especially if everyone can see UR score. 🤔

    Stranger things , right ?

    On another note I passed level 5000 tonight! WooHoo!

    STAY SAFE 🕉️

  • K910
    K910 Posts: 21 Level 2
    edited October 16

    Not positive , BUT I think that's how I got bumped out of 1st place in the 2ed finals N took 2ed place instead. Even more peculiar to me , the player stopped logging any more score 1hr13min before that session ended! Pretty risky , CUZ , 1) I was breathing down their back , N , 2) what if they DO give you 30x retro when you come back in to the game from playing offline? That player may've been screwed! It was as if they KNEW they were ok , N passing thru to 3rd finals. That didn't set right with me. They could've been watching , BUT , I don't think I'd have taken that chance , CUZ I got relatively close. ~ ~OH WELL~

    STAY SAFE 🕉️

  • pmin
    pmin Posts: 16 Level 2

    30x retroactively is part of the offline gameplay, which is allowed in the rules. It can be a strategy to just go play offline if you want someone in first to possibly ease up, then you log back in and jump them. I think it's a tad shady, it's a gray area but ultimately seems allowed overall. Just make sure they are scoring about the same hourly rate during that time….If their scoring tripled, something might be afoot.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 8,632 Legend

    I am really quite surprised about this @pmin . I thought I had tested this out a few months ago during another leaderboard competition and at the time found that the 30x multiplier did not get added retrospectively, but reading your info I now think I may have been mistaken. I agree that would create problems, both for the other players and even for King to spot cheaters as they cannot keep track of us while playing offline (That whole Big Brother thing only works while we are playing online, of course). I will definitely check this one out during the next leaderboard tournament as I think we need to know what is possible and legitimate and what is not prior to the next Big One.

  • pmin
    pmin Posts: 16 Level 2

    If you are an opposing player, there are a couple of ways to see if they are in fact gaining points offline then uploading them to 'sneak up' OR.… if they are using a method that violates both game and tournament rules to actually exploit a single super level for hours and the millions of points you see are just from them completing this 1 level 1 time.

    How to see if they're just playing normally offline:

    1. Track their scoring rate mathematically when the score is updating regularly to see if that rate is vastly different from the periods where they appear to go offline. For example if they score 160k points an hour nonstop and then their score pauses for 2 hours, but when they come back they have 320k more total points....that is still their 160k average. Which is not against the rules. They could be playing on a plane or something. But yes it's also sometimes a tactic to get the people in the lead to ease up, think they're safe and upload the score at the end to jump them. But if during those 2 hours when their score wasn't updating they score 1.2 million points and they suddenly averaged 600k an hour, that means they were actually online but doing a highly planned exploit that's not allowed. (Exploit somewhat explained more below and how King is handling it. Even in my final final.)
    2. If you aren't great at math, screenshot their level 'when they're apparently offline' and when they're back. If it only changed a couple of levels in hours or their win streak was 1 this entire time, they were doing the exploit. If it changed a normal 140 levels or whatever, they were just offline. Even if they're farming the same old level over and over for 1/30th the points (so no new levels in that scenario), their score should still be updating and even if they did that offline it won't result in a 400% higher average per hour for them. That's why 1/30th policy for old levels was implemented, it evens it out.

    If you're worried about offline players, play your best the entire time. The rules state offline play is allowed. Even with a several million point lead I played my best until the end, the final final I played 41/42 hours since (I spent some time messaging King about 2 obvious exploiters, one automated and the other they're handling)

    No matter how many boosters you use, you can only earn so many points an hour unless if you cheat. So if you're normally a better player the whole time, it doesn't matter if they play offline, because they won't win.

    So the exploit I mentioned:

    It is understood to be an exploit and against the tournament rules, people have been banned all tournament for it, because if someone uses it, a bad player becomes unbeatable. I won't explain the exploit entirely, just why it's not allowed, isn't fair and violates tournament rules. 4 written rules.

    King implemented the 30x bonus (Rule 5.2) for completing new levels for the purpose of not allowing players to go back and play 1 single candy heavy easy level over and over the entire tournament. Since it's known some levels are easier and give out lots more candy than others. If you decide to do this, you only get 1/30th the Candy. Since that's not playing the game as its intended, you are supposed to play a variety of levels with different challenges, especially in a tournament. This doesn't mean you have to get beyond every level as fast as possible, that won't necessarily increase your scoring rate, there are some skills, but they did not want you to stay on one easy freebie level that gives out 10x the Candy the entire time. Written rules say you must abide by the "normal flow of a game and act in a way that affects another player's ability to compete fairly when engaging in real time exchanges" (That's in the main Terms & Conditions of the site, refers to this exact exploit type of situation) , again rule 5.2 is there for a reason, they don't just want you sulitting on one of the easiest level for hours gaining 30x bonus as well. But some players found a trick around 5.2 that requires planning months ahead (if you didn't recreate your account you can't properly do it) thus ruining players chance to compete.

    Players that do it fully intend to since it requires multiple steps, pre planning, you mustve reset your account before the tourney to gain access to an earlier level again with the 30x bonus. Next, you mark the levels that give out crazy amounts of easy candy before you play them, abnormally move pieces to ensure a loss, lose 25 times in a row, then you will be given the option to not only play a known orange farming level with a 30x bonus, but you can buy 255 extra moves every time for 10 gold, then 16 gold etc. And since the game thinks you're terrible it'll begin giving you more color bombs, basically exploding the entire map every move. After thousands of moves and hours on one level, they move a piece back to win the level and cash out over a million points at one time.

    This has been going on a while and on the best levels you'll average roughly 600k an hour doing it. And to restate, once beyond the level if you attempt to play it again you only get 1/30th the points and an option buy a maximum of 5 extra moves every time, extra moves at the full price (so you're trying to get a discount on moves from king too, ha). So players beyond these levels during the tournament have no chance and are immediately destined to lose.

    Rule 4.6.1 says no taking advantage of exploits, or something that King didn't reasonably intend to be how you play, even if you didn't alter software/hardware to do so.

    Rule 4.6.8 says you have to play fair.

    **Always make sure rules are being broken before making a claim against another player, otherwise it could be considered defamatory.

    There are also people that try to log offline and hack the game of course, but the autocheat system usually detects that right away. This is not intended for use in any competition as it will get you disqualified, especially when they manually review winners. It's also not King's fault that dishonest players constantly look for ways to circumvent the rules. It happens in many games. The only liability is if when presented with undeniable proof, King chooses to do nothing. So get proof to help and make sure it's proof, it's very easy for them to check if a player made a million points at one moment if you give them the exact time or level, or tracked rates and times. Just saying they played offline or scored too much is not enough.

    King is not trying to steal $300k in prizes when they make $8 million daily. And people compete enough when incentivized that they don't need to plant bots to encourage in app purchases or extra playing. It's simply that some people are dishonest. Happens in lots of games, sports and life.

    Disclaimer: I'm not defaming anyone, several of these players have admitted in writing to doing this. I believe King is handling the situation to the best of their ability. I am legally allowed to share my factual experience that I have unaltered digitally signed proof of and am a very honest player. Also it is very possible that these players used a new unknown method to execute this exploit succesfully and get around King's detection system that they're constantly trying to improve. Or that simply some players chose not to do the method until the final final round. So not all players should automatically assume they got knocked out in earlier rounds by dishonest play.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?