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Feedback on levels 11 691 - 11 735!



  • Tess92
    Tess92 Posts: 3,715

    Hi @glenn_augustine !

    I close this thread because I have already answered you here:

    Duplicated post.

  • Carol-38
    Carol-38 Posts: 12,222

    Level 11719: As commented on above is indeed impossible with 18 moves. Again another level reduced from 30 to 18. How can you reduce moves by so much. Silly question really, it's because nobody at King actually plays so they don't realise how ridiculous these levels are.

    No point just using boosters, far too many blockers. No strategy required whatsoever, you either play for days with your fingers crossed or use 10 gold and boosters. This definitely needs looking at King.

    Thank you.

  • Dafreak
    Dafreak Posts: 117

    Been fighting like a dog to get result in level 11710. No boosters available, no extra moves. 0 levels completed This week. Beyond frustration.

  • Dafreak
    Dafreak Posts: 117

    You were lucky to pass 11701,11704, 11707 and finally 11710. I can relate to your frustration when King insult your intelligence. After more than 11000 levels played, we are probably educated monkeys and know how to play Candy Crush, don't we? Walkthroughs on FB clearly show how King are manipulating us with boards impossible to clear with si little moves. Two days stuck on 11710, 0 levels cleared This week when my average isbetween 60 to 100 levels weekly. Even with the best if intention you get exhausted to complète levels that are not doable. Sorry Carol but you are not a good customer anymore . That's why King forget to treats us with respect. They are a cheating Fraud!!!!!!!

  • CandyLV
    CandyLV Posts: 162

    Just take a break. Focus on trying to collect as many boosters as possible, unfortunately, the most valuable gold bars can only be collected via Episode Race or Chocolate Box. Alternatively, if you have enough little hands or hammers, you essentially can make extra moves. Also UFOs can be handy. Again, join an effective Fantastic 5 team really helps. I refuse to spend any money given the current nastiness.

  • hearthomehappy
    hearthomehappy Posts: 49

    Level 3

    Yes, it’s obvious -to try to force people to pay money. But don’t they realize it has the opposite effect for many and makes them decide to quit the game. When the game becomes endless drudgery ones time becomes more valuable for many

  • hearthomehappy
    hearthomehappy Posts: 49

    Level 3

    We, the better players, are the guinea pig testers. Tired of it

  • Carol-38
    Carol-38 Posts: 12,222

    Level 11719 moves now increased to 26. I'm still finding it difficult but really hope to get a lucky board at some stage.

  • KessyH
    KessyH Posts: 49

    Level 3

    Why is level 11706 marked as easy? 🤬

  • darj
    darj Posts: 35

    Level 3

    Level 11719 was terrible. I played for days and never got close. I finally was able to get keys with more than 5 moves left so I used my UFO and for the 1st time, after playing this level 200 times, I unlocked a float. At this point were only 2 moves left. So I again spent money to buy the 35 extra moves and still needed 22 of those to finish the level. These levels do not need to be that difficult. It just makes the game frustrating instead of fun. I'm so mad I paid again to win...I should've just uninstalled the game. That's what I'm going to do if the levels continue to be so difficult with very few moves.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?