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We want your feedback on the levels 11 961 - 12 005!



  • JAG1969
    JAG1969 Posts: 5

    Level 2

    edited June 2022


    *Edited by CM: 🤔 Oops! Please repost in English so everyone can understand - Our House Rules 

  • ellectra
    ellectra Posts: 295

    I finished the first 2 eps yesterday with the help of f5 boosters, 4 ufos and 30 gb. Mostly because i didn't wanna lose my streak and or deal with some of the awful levels twice.

    Like last week, the 3rd ep is where i stop. First level really hard and requires a lot of luck. Whoever said the levels are still winnable without boosters is lying. This one took so many tries and finally completed with all starting boosters, a power pop, 2 lollipops, a hand switch and a ufo. Stopping until the normal amount of moves is restored, levels unwinnable in current form.

  • CandyFan1963
    CandyFan1963 Posts: 95

    Level 3

    Had a good run in these levels until, just now. Level 12001 - this morning I had 30 moves and caramel spirals, didn't make it unfortunately. NOW, reduced to 22 moves and liquorice spirals, this will take days to complete now. Sigh

  • In general , there has been a bit of everything however l need reinforcements and movements

    Now l'm stuck 11980 l wanted to .make a purcharse and it froze , l need reiniciar to advance

  • Carol-38
    Carol-38 Posts: 12,201

    Level 11983 had 30 moves up until 2 days ago now 23. Not 1 level on my device shows with any difficulty, how can that be when just about every level has required either extra moves and/or boosters. I'd be interested to know if others have any of these levels showing as hard/super hard/nightmarishly hard etc.

  • Lmpy
    Lmpy Posts: 56

    Level 3

    I ground to a halt here too after a streak of 42 wins. I thought that King had forgotten to remove levels on episode 1, as it was joyously winnable, just like the olden days. Episode 2 was bearable but took luck and 40 gold that I had been lucky enough to accumulate, to finish. And now I'm stuck here about to try and get 35 extra moves and spend another 10gold, in addition to the 10 I spent for the previous level. Will I make it to 12k without running out of gold?

  • Nisi1984
    Nisi1984 Posts: 41

    Level 3

    Why did you reduce the moves to 20 on Level 11989.

    This is not possible to win..

    I already used all my boosters and still nothing.

    As you limit the daily live income I will be stuck sometime as I don't have any goldbars to get the 35 extra moves 🙄

  • I"m. Stuck at level 11983 3 days ago , l don't have ingots or bootsers so either help me with reinforcements or l won't get it there is no manual for this or strategy, it's luck and having the minimun to advance . I will wait 🥰

  • tanka
    tanka Posts: 121

    11983 is impossible to do with only 23 moves!!!!!!!!!

    Please fix it!!!!

    Why did you reduced moves from 30 to 20????

  • l'have the feeling of seeming negative but it's not like that l just want to play lose and with but l find myself with a lot of difficulty in the levels

    Thanks you

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