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Introducing Legendary Crusher, Chris 😃

QueenB Posts: 13,682 Community Manager
edited November 2022 in Discussions

Introducing Legendary Crusher Chris, whose passions include musical theater (Broadway and West End), biking (often to raise funds for charity), and Candy Crush.

Chris started playing a decade ago alongside his managerial colleague at a popular retail chain (only on breaks, of course!). It wasn’t long before Chris’ infectious enthusiasm and inherent good nature had a Candy Crush league going with other co-workers – using the game to bond and relax after long days on the sales floor.

An extrovert, Chris is the kind of guy who likes to bring people together for both fun and a good cause. He’s also a proponent of teamwork and often finds himself acting simultaneously as a coach, cheerleader, and fan in the stands. “I love the competition of Candy Crush,” he admits, “but I love helping other people with the game, offering advice.

"I like that you can have people playing together and you can encourage each other. I find that inspiring.” Chris’ high school days in musical theater taught him that it takes everyone working together - cast, crew, and audience - to truly make a show great, and he applies this same philosophy to his life and work.

When he’s not organizing employee Candy Crush tournaments (and invariably winning them), he’s heading to New York City to see the shows.

He’s seen “tons” of performances and his big hope is that one day, he might be able to grab front-row seats to - “Candy Crush, The Musical”! #10YearsOfFun 


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