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🗺 New Saga Map Makeover - Check it out!



  • Sour! I don't like the new saga map... (please tell us why)

    Remember when you wrote a post "Why can't I play in landscape mode anymore? This is a TEST!"? (It's been edited last week). You still didn't have enough complaints @QueenB? I think at that post you did get quite some feedback already. You're disappointing a whole lot of people this way. Hope you don't mind me asking, but, is that showing you care?

    To make it a bit easier, here's the link to the post I mean (with quite a bit feedback as well):

    Sharing is caring, right???

  • Sour! I don't like the new saga map... (please tell us why)

    But also, on the 25th of January I started a post here at the Community. I asked (and I quote) "Why has the lay-out of the map been changed please?". I never got any answer. It just was moved into the Why can't I play in landscape anymore?-post (page 26). Here's some more feedback for you:

  • Janemccarthy
    Janemccarthy Posts: 2

    Level 1

    Sour! I don't like the new saga map... (please tell us why)

    Absolutely LOATHE the new map. It's too small, everything is in the wrong place, I have to crane forward to be able to see it and am getting a bad back from this, I could go on and on ....

    Agree that what we really need is a way to get down to lower levels when we need to without having to endlessly be scrolling for minutes on end. And then I get down to the level I want and CC sweeps the map back up to the very top and I have to start scrolling all over again!

  • mommafox
    mommafox Posts: 6

    Level 2

    Sour! I don't like the new saga map... (please tell us why)

    i don’t think I’m lucky to have the new map. I would feel lucky to have the old map back. I don’t like anything that spins and this map makes me nauseous.

  • KyshA72
    KyshA72 Posts: 1,118
    Old map or new map, I just love the journey through the Candy Kingdom

    I dont mind it......A change is as good as a holiday so they say 😉

  • krystl9395
    krystl9395 Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Sour! I don't like the new saga map... (please tell us why)

    I really dislike the new map and the need to play in portrait mode. Very difficult to scroll back to earlier levels. Have to hold iPad in hand because the cover on my device is a landscape cover, hard to hold for long periods. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE return the old map with the ability to play in landscape.

  • lesleydelamar
    lesleydelamar Posts: 5

    Level 2

    Sour! I don't like the new saga map... (please tell us why)

    I absolutely hate it. Makes my vertigo worse. Going to give up if it is not changed.

  • En9998
    En9998 Posts: 79

    Level 3

    Sweet! I love the new saga map

    hello, i’ve been having sone issues on the game, first isn’t playing the new candy crush saga music, and also i don’t have the new map, please somebody reply how to fix it, or if it is having the same issues write back thank you

  • irish12701
    irish12701 Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Sour! I don't like the new saga map... (please tell us why)

    Absolutely horrible! I cannot play the game in portrait mode without my hands and fingers starting to hurt. If you want to offer this option that’s one thing but please do not make it a permanent switch! My daughter stopped play the game because of the switch

    wish I wasn’t in the test group as it’s simply awful to play it this way😡😡😡😡

  • RickArm
    RickArm Posts: 9

    Level 2

    Sour! I don't like the new saga map... (please tell us why)

    It's been a month since I've become part of the unwanted test. Guess what? I haven't played a single game in a month.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?