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Why is there a time limit on the lives accepted? (Edit by CM: New timer feature)!

alliblubell Posts: 4

Level 1

edited June 2023 in Support

I've used zero lives until this evening and went to add my first 5 lives, but it shows a count down of over 5 hours?

Best Answers

  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 15,813
    edited March 2023 Answer ✓

    Hello everyone 😀

    The timer will only appear after the daily limit is reach, which is something you have already got use too.

    The timer is only a visual representation that will allow you to know how much time you have to wait to be able to accept lives again.

    During the implementation of this feature there was an issue that prevented the normal claiming of lives. The studio already fixed the issue and you should be able to claim lives normally.

  • Novapichu
    Novapichu Posts: 289
    Answer ✓

    Greetings everyone,

    So, we have a new update regarding the lives issue you have been reporting. A couple of days ago they changed the lives by adding a timer, so you can see how long you have until you can use new lives. Additional to that we have changed the way the lives are counted down. Before it counted upwards from 0 to 20 and with the latest update it now counts downwards from 20 to 0. (check the image for reference).

    Do you think this is clear enough or was it easier to understand before the new update?

  • amanta4ray
    amanta4ray Posts: 38

    Level 3

    edited March 2023 Answer ✓

    It's not a glitch. They have changed the counter so that it starts at 20/20 and when you use a life, it gets subtracted and the count goes down. Basically, reverse of what it was.



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