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Frustrated Beyond Belief - time to quit?

LaurieYN Posts: 7

Level 2

edited July 2023 in Discussions

First they take away ads to get extra lives or Boosters (4 months ago for me). Next they make playing Candy Royale mandatory. And the icing on the "frustration cake", I have been stuck on level 12229 for 11 days!! I used to play the game to help me calm down and relax, but now it seems Candy Crush causes me anger. I don't look forward to failing the level for the 1000th time and seeing my icon catapulted in Candy Royale. Can't take it much longer, the game is not fun.. the uninstall may come soon. Another example if how the game is no longer fun... Three days into the weekly competition and no one has passed a single level (see below). Ridiculous!



  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,011

    yes, time to give up the game. If you read the other threads here, especially the one about feedback on new levels, you will see that after level 12,000 it just becomes impossible to play. Kick the habit, I would suggest to you. If it isn't fun anymore, don't play.

    As for the weekly contest, I wonder if there is a bug in this, or if they have started to randomly assign you with players who stopped playing. I started a new game a few days ago and I am the only one on my board who passed a level. This is strange.

  • Brian_Cronin
    Brian_Cronin Posts: 33

    Level 3

    Wow, is it really THAT bad? I'm in the 11,400s, and if they're seriously making it significantly harder in the 12,000, I would agree, it just wouldn't be worth it, particularly since they are "cleverly" eliminating nearly every way to get the really good boosters. The recent move that already started me thinking, "Well, forget THESE guys" was when the final reward in Chocolate Box stopped being 10 gold bars, and is now two color bombs, two striped/wrapped combos, a five minute UFO and a five minute lollipop hammer. That seems almost like insulting, right? It's less bad, and more just a direct insult. Like, "We know this is messed up, but what are you going to do about it?" I walked away for a couple of years (why I'm "only" in the 11,400s), and I'll easily dump them again if this is really the nonsense they want this game to be.

  • teeweiping
    teeweiping Posts: 8,836

    Hi @LaurieYN , Candy Crush Saga is a puzzle game that train your brain from what I know and I think. For me, this type of game isn't very fun to me because I'm a person that "lazy" to think. My suggestion for you is, stop playing this game if it is not fun and focus it in other King games or just simply take a breath for a while. I'm not near to your level so I can't give you more good advices here but I always remember a person's words: " All levels is passable", a person who is above 10000 levels tell me this in Facebook's group.

    Here's hoping you can find your way.

  • adeliastover
    adeliastover Posts: 2

    Level 1

    Ye I agree totally I have played on and off to 13 years now they put things like spend 30 bars of gold to unlock the season pass and you do and NOTHING but spent gold and you think that they would fix it a refund you get real so I don’t think I can play much longer

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,011

    Hi @teeweiping You must be talking about Candy Crush how it used to be in the good old days. "All levels are passable" no longer applies if you don't want to spend money. Of course all levels are passable if you wait until being offered 125 extra moves and then pay 10 gold to play until the level is finished. But that is not in the spirit of the Candy Crush we used to love, the puzzle game that trains your brain. THAT Candy Crush was dead and buried about three years ago.

  • Rhonda_L
    Rhonda_L Posts: 581

    Totally agree with @christinewupp

    A lot of things have changed for the worse. It's frustrating, although, when logging in, I haven't seen the mantra of "swipe your stress away" LOL Maybe that's their clue to come here and we'll stress you more than your most stressful day? 🤔

    I've noticed the, hopefully, glitch (?) in the Weekly Race that used to be against those on your friends list. I believe I posted yesterday that this week I'm playing against 4 players that are not. They all are on many, MANY, lower levels than myself. It's not fair, right? Maybe it is a glitch. Oh well, I'm just not caring about that anymore, same as Sam's Race. I can't seem to pull either off lately.

    Thanks for all the info and feedback! Have a good one.

  • cookiemae
    cookiemae Posts: 1,237

    I still have the gold bars in my game. I don't know how or why some people don't. As of today I am on level 14,602 .

  • Rhonda_L
    Rhonda_L Posts: 581

    Yes, it's gotten that bad. Good for you for getting this far!

    I may be about done. They've changed things since you were on the piddly level of 14295. LOL

    Good luck!

  • Steve-18
    Steve-18 Posts: 277

    Yeah, I'm at level 11955 and in the past I played more often and frequently completed all the levels and had to wait for new ones each week. I don't play that much anymore though.Even where I'm at, many levels are ridiculously difficult. Even with full win streak boosters and full start of game boosters, many levels are impossible and it's up to the "random" board generator to decide when you win. The most annoying thing to me is all the pop-ups forcing you to respond to get past them just to play. I get sick of it quick and just stop playing. It's not fun any longer. It's annoying to try to play.

    Also, it's total BS when I have rare timed booster occuring and these pop ups continually go on and do nothing but eat the time left on those boosters. Shame on you King. The game has gotten unbearably annoying.

  • teeweiping
    teeweiping Posts: 8,836

    Hi, TBH I started playing Candy Crush on last year July. The time I heard those words is after I started playing this game. You can check the time I join this community, it's August 2022 one month after I started playing this game.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?