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⚽ FINISHED - SUMMER GAMES - Team Misty Spot the Difference



  • I don't remember picking, but it shows Misty, so I'm going to do this one.

    A has different swooshes than B C D E F

    E Yellow Star on Face

  • lelensp
    lelensp Posts: 52,950

    My answer is

    Letter E

  • moe75
    moe75 Posts: 6,403

    Hi @bearwithme

    My answer


  • KyshA72
    KyshA72 Posts: 1,115
    edited August 2023

    Game id 5217847776

    My answer

    Image E on misty head is missing

  • tanii19
    tanii19 Posts: 386

    And myyy answer is image E. it’s different in the neck

  • Palash_Sarma
    Palash_Sarma Posts: 17,964

    Hi @bearwithme

    My answer


  • MollyS
    MollyS Posts: 7,375

    My answer is

    E - missing yellow star ⭐

  • abdeloahud
    abdeloahud Posts: 1

    Level 1

    edited August 2023

    *Edited by CM: 🤔 Oops! Please repost in English so everyone can understand - Our House Rules 

  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,927

    Hi and welcome to our friendly community! We only use English here in the community, so please either edit your post (you have 12 hours to do so - just click on the little grey wheel in the upper right corner) or post a new entry in English. You can use any of the translation apps that are available.

    Also - I noticed some players may not know how to use the spoiler to post their answer:

    As shown in the image above, just click on the paragraph symbol (to the left of the comment field), then in the drop down click on the quotes and that will have a final dropdown where you click on the Spoiler and that will give you a light grey area to type your answer. Once you have finished just click enter and you are all set! 😁

  • Deryck
    Deryck Posts: 1,376


This discussion has been closed.

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