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Level changed on Candy Crush? Different number of moves or seeing the same level twice?



  • Posts: 3

    Level 1

    I was shocked last night reaching level 1291 and only have 14 moves to make 15 wrapped candies.  

    I had watched Suzy Fuller's (and other you tube videos) you tube and she had 40 moves to make 15 wrapped candies.  

    I cannot complete the level.  This morning I checked Suzy Fuller's you tube again and saw the comments about the 15 moves.

    I noticed there were a few other levels where I had less moves then Suzy Fuller, but I was able to complete these levels since there were only a FEW less moves ( NOT 14 compared to 40 moves.)

    It appears I am in a test group and I DID NOT WANT TO BE IN A TEST GROUP.  I only play for amusement and NOT a hard core GAMBLER as you want everyone to be.

    Also, I have been playing with one arm tied behind my back.  Since I started playing about 1 1/2 yers ago I have only been receiving "DAY 1" of the daily boosts.  I thought no big deal that I started NOT to turn off my game at night and than received "DAY 2" etc.  I did complete 1 week and then stopped.  I tried again recently and found out I could only get to DAY 3 or 4 and then to "CANDY MONSTER" came on and MADE we refresh the game.  

    Now I am back to day 1.  I complained and someone told me to clear my cache and that DID NOT work, still on 

    DAY 1.

    I feel King should compensate me for all the lost days not receiving the daily boosts.

  • Posts: 3

    Level 1

    I am on Level 1781 with 12 moves almost impossible I thank Suzy for her always helpful hints and her strategy but if  King won't cancel the test group I am out and I really enjoy playing  Cancel the test group

  • Posts: 4

    Level 1

    You redesign these levels to make levels almost impossible to complete. Are you crazy!? Have you ever tested those levels in different version before randomly release to everyone? You are completely ruining the game and I am totally disappointed your hard working like this. Please revert them ALL as soon as possible!

    That's why I'm deleting this game. I keep trying and trying, no luck. Not going to spend the last 50 dollars I got left. I always thought those chocolate blocks are hard with low's what I say every time I play these levels, who ever created these boards or traps needs dragged out to street and shot. I'm still trying to pass this board.
  • Posts: 2

    Level 1

    I'm also only getting 12 moves on this level. WHY are you guys having so many issues like this??? This is ridiculous.

  • Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Same issue here. Only 12 moves, it’s legit impossible without purchasing a ton of power ups. Please help!!!

  • Posts: 6

    Level 2

    Hi all and thanks for posting.

    Please note that there are no glitch. The reason that the moves are different is explained in my first comment: Our game studio is constantly adapting levels difficulty and testing features. This means it is possible that there are minor variations (including the number of moves) to that of someone else who plays, or perhaps on an existing video on YouTube.

    I also would like to add that the amount of moves have been lowered on some levels but when that's the case, the level difficulty has also been tweaked to make sure the level remains doable. 

    I hope this makes sense!

    Happy crushing everyone :)

    You have got to be kidding! Your statement that when the number of moves is lowered then the difficulty is tweaked is false. Example: Level 3754 had the number of moves reduced and at the same time more blockers have been added. Is this what you call tweaking??? I love the challenge of the game - at least I used to. However, now there are seldom any challenging levels, merely frustration and passing levels only possible with a lucky board. Level 3754 is impossible to pass in 15 moves without mega boosters and I refuse to buy them. As someone else said, all mine have been used up on the previous useless levels.
  • Posts: 2

    Level 1

    Hi all and thanks for posting.

    Please note that there are no glitch. The reason that the moves are different is explained in my first comment: Our game studio is constantly adapting levels difficulty and testing features. This means it is possible that there are minor variations (including the number of moves) to that of someone else who plays, or perhaps on an existing video on YouTube.

    I also would like to add that the amount of moves have been lowered on some levels but when that's the case, the level difficulty has also been tweaked to make sure the level remains doable. 

    I hope this makes sense!

    Happy crushing everyone :)

    Ridiculous! I'm not paying for boosters. You need to fix the level instead of praying on your loyal players.
  • Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Hi all and thanks for posting.

    Please note that there are no glitch. The reason that the moves are different is explained in my first comment: Our game studio is constantly adapting levels difficulty and testing features. This means it is possible that there are minor variations (including the number of moves) to that of someone else who plays, or perhaps on an existing video on YouTube.

    I also would like to add that the amount of moves have been lowered on some levels but when that's the case, the level difficulty has also been tweaked to make sure the level remains doable. 

    I hope this makes sense!

    Happy crushing everyone :)

    It is ridiculous the changes that have been made since this game originally came out. Unfortunately my game for some reason reset itself and had to start from beginning but now I have struck my 6th level with moves reduced to 12. Only up to level 200 something but with zero lives and zero boosts trying to accomplish the impossible there is no more fun and relaxation left. I th8nk the developers are heading in the path of Zynga by forgetting the players that put them there in the first place. It’s a business yes but give something back to the players. Drop the bull$&;t 12 moves on multiple levels. It really is boring when you hit a dead end....
  • Posts: 2

    Level 1

    This is how bad their people are. Level 1194 was adjusted down to 12 moves (from 25) yet the bombs that start in the game explode in 19 moves. Kinda pointless bombs if you removed the amount of moves it takes to set them off. Hahaha, get it together and quit being so greedy.

    I’m on level 1304 with the same issue. 15 moves and bombs that go off in 20. Could they make it any more obvious they slashed the moves considerably? Oh and in those 15 moves I’m supposed to get 40 green candies, 10 stripes, and 1 stripe +stripe combo.
  • Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Hi all and thanks for posting.

    Please note that there are no glitch. The reason that the moves are different is explained in my first comment: Our game studio is constantly adapting levels difficulty and testing features. This means it is possible that there are minor variations (including the number of moves) to that of someone else who plays, or perhaps on an existing video on YouTube.

    I also would like to add that the amount of moves have been lowered on some levels but when that's the case, the level difficulty has also been tweaked to make sure the level remains doable. 

    I hope this makes sense!

    Happy crushing everyone :)

    I’ve read your comments on level 552 and why you’ve possibly changed the amount of moves. 12 moves instead of the 30 that you claim you use to try out the game are clearly not enough to pass to the next level. The pyramid at the bottom has 15 boxes. All that need 3 moves at least to break through each one. 12 moves would break through 4 boxes of moves has to be made separately. Because of the rolling conveyor you aren’t always lucky you’ll get another match to break through another box. Please can this be looked into. You say that this has been looked into but this was 5-6 weeks ago and people are still complaining. The game is designed I’m sure to relax people and all this has done if frustrate people.


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