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Overall game has changed over the past 2 to 3 weeks

mackem003 Posts: 100
edited January 2024 in Discussions

The game itself is very boring and has changed over the past 2 to 3 weeks.

Several items have changed

The events department is never full of all items .

You can't drop out of Candy Royale as before.

Assistance after a game is non existing it always wants you to use your gold bars.

Overall the games are not as entertaining as before.



  • kiara_wael
    kiara_wael Posts: 159,830

    Hi and Welcome to the King Community

    Thank you for the feedback. This issues is being investigated , and for more Info Here

  • Lgarris2
    Lgarris2 Posts: 15

    Level 2

    The game is just not fun anymore! When I spend days on a red it’s just depressing.

  • kkaren24
    kkaren24 Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Receiving lives from friends have seemed to stop also. I used to get 20 + lives a day sent to me and now I'm not getting even 10 lives in a day.

    Clearly the game itself is trying to make people pay even more money to play the game. I think they're crooks who change the rules to bait people into spending money.

    I think it's time to quit playing the game

  • Lgarris2
    Lgarris2 Posts: 15

    Level 2

    I agree!!!

  • DeeMej
    DeeMej Posts: 5

    Level 2

    I agree - something has changed. Not receiving as many lives when still "manually" going into friends section and sending and requesting lives to my 40+ friends on the list. (Use to be able to send and receive without manually going to friends lists).

    Prior to last week I received more than enough lives to store up to 200 - now I'm lucky if I get 5 a day. I don't think 35 of my friends have all of a sudden stopped playing or sending lives. Currently looking for other games to pass my time.

  • bella6464
    bella6464 Posts: 7

    Level 2

    This is all I have seen for the last 3 weeks, getting pretty discouraged!!!

  • melbethany
    melbethany Posts: 5

    Level 2

    I agree that the game has changed to a model that makes it very difficult to win a level. I will never, ever pay money for boosters or gold bars. I still play some every day, but I'm mostly not playing any more than the 5 lives we start with.

    It is very frustrating to go from ad-driven boosters and extra moves to this. I will gladly watch ads, but I'm not even given the option. Candy Crush has gone from fun and sometimes challenging to maddening and not fun anymore.

  • mackem003
    mackem003 Posts: 100


    It's me again Mackem003

    I've been on the same game number 8395 for 5 days now and I've not received any help to move on,all I get is to buy or redeem gold bars.

    Why Candy crush are you not doing anything to solve these problems.

    The app is now frustrating and boring.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,021

    I am afraid your problem is not King's problem: They want you to spend money to move on from the level you are stuck on. That is why you no longer get any free boosters or ads to watch for boosters. This is how King run their game.

    Also they don't read these posts here in the players' forum. If you wish to contact King about it, send them an email using the "contact us" option at the bottom of this web page or through settings within the game.

  • mackem003
    mackem003 Posts: 100

    Well thank you for your information

    That solves my problem

    I will delete the app now

    No more Candy Crush for me

    I can spend my money on more important things

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