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Beat the Buffet



  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,068 Legend
    edited February 9
  • Pyroyeti
    Pyroyeti Posts: 902 Level 3
    edited February 9

    Grats, ya that was close

    Interesting 2 hammers for you. Much nicer than 1 hammer and 1 striped & wrapped.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 8,558 Legend

    Thanks for the information @Carol-38 That is really disappointing news. I'll take it all back then. Might as well delete my post....

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,068 Legend

    Haven't managed to get first place on my other attempts. Only having time to play one Episode a day obviously isn't enough.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 8,558 Legend

    This event is manufactured by King, I think, like the episode race and Candy Royale. I think that it's not a live event against other players but that they pick players' recordings for us to compete against and like in those other two events they choose those that will make it "challenging" for us. I had to score over 3000 blues to win my second Beat the Buffet, I'm sure it's because I won the first with such a high score. Moreover I have just noted another post in the Off-Topic forum that basically proves this.

    As it shows, Palash who posted this screenshot, was also competing against the carrot Lomy who finished with a score of 2411, just like you @Alienscar .

    This is not innately wrong and does not mean this event is not fun. I actually quite enjoy it, being a speed crusher, but like most of Candy Crush it is just an illusion.

    We are just guinea pigs to the guys with the white coats in the King laboratory.

  • Pyroyeti
    Pyroyeti Posts: 902 Level 3
    edited February 11

    I have found that in even stuff like Sam's Streak there are recordings that set a sort of minimum requirement you have to beat. Beyond that, if there are live players they might push it even further.

    When you think about it, there really is no way they could ever have enough players to allow everyone to do 1 hour events all starting at random times.

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,068 Legend

    No @christinewupp I don't think the best the Buffet is like the Episode Race. I think it is more like the Weekly Contest. Similar to the Weekly Contest different players can finish in different positions across various leaderboards. So whilst Lomy was first in mine and second in Palash's it doesn't mean Lomy was top of their own leaderboard.

    Leaderboard style features aren't based off of records. This is obvious from the way you can see the scores of your opponents change as you play. I swapped positions with the second and third players a few times during the hour

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 8,558 Legend
    edited February 12

    Interesting. You are absolutely right @Pyrolight . I had been wondering how it can be organised to allocate players given you can chose when to start playing this event. And of course, with so many players failing to even clear a single new level it makes absolute sense for King to ensure at least one dummy player is added to each group for us to compete against, otherwise we wouldn't have any competition at all. I did notice that in my group there was one player I had to compete with and three others who hardly scored anything at all. I do think the carrot Lomy is a dummy, they must be, @Alienscar. What a coincidence would it be if both you and Palash played against the exact same person at exactly the same time and then happened to post it here. Surely, Lomy is not a real player. Also, the fact that their scores go up while you play does not mean it can't be like the episode race, those scores (levels) go up as well while we play, and they do so regardless of whether we are offline. But you are probably right in thinking it's like the weekly race. King have started to put one dumnmy in those as well, to make it hard for those winning this one every week. Thank you both for clarifying.

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,068 Legend
    edited February 12

    As the saying goes there is no such thing as a coincidence @christinewupp. Just because we don't know the facts of the way a certain feature works doesn't mean we can make stuff up to suit our circumstances.

    A few times I have had players from this forum in my Weekly Contest in the days before we could add them as friends. Was that a 'coincidence'? What are the chances of me playing against a member of this forum when you consider the 250 million players of this game.

    Lomy is definitely a real person and not a 'dummy' I would say. I base this on what happened in two of my Buffet attempts. In my second and third goes at the Buffet I was well ahead of everyone in my leader board until suddenly I wasn't. In my second attempt two players mysteriously appeared from nowhere and I swapped positions with them several times until the hour had expired. In my third game Lomy appeared from nowhere in the same manner.

    I see this occurrence in the same way I see how the Weekly Contest is 'managed'. This is something you have noticed yourself Christine and that is how players are added based on how well you are doing.

    So not a 'dummy', but a player that is intended to make me want to beat them. I suppose one of King's many not subtle attempts at getting people to buy their way to victory.

    Please note everything I say is just my opinion. Nothing I say can truly be judged as facts due to a lack of real information.

    Also, the fact that their scores go up while you play does not mean it can't be like the episode race, those scores (levels) go up as well while we play, and they do so regardless of whether we are offline.

    There is a big difference between a changing score and a player avatar moving along a track. As you have noticed yourself an avatar in the Episode Race can get stuck for a day or two one or two, levels from the end of the Race. That kind of behaviour never occurs in a leader board style event. The fact that the Episode Race advances whilst a player is offline is proof that the Episode Race is timed rather than real time.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 8,558 Legend

    That really is puzzling about the coincidence factor. Well, it will keep me amused for a while longer, no doubt: Just as the game was starting to get boring, trying to work out how the events work is becoming the fun part of playing.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?