Hi Elsa, You posted reply to my original post entitled, 'Why Am I Getting "Video Not Available" Error Message When Playing Most Bonus Videos? ", but you never replied again, even after posting a new thread Nov. 2018 entitled, "Still Video Not Available Candy Crush..." in which three people responded to this post indicating they are encountering similar issues. I've tried numerous times since, and sometimes the video does play, but a lot of times I still get the "Video Not Available" Error Message. Someone else had inquired on my original post also as they are experiencing the same issue. In addition, there's like 3 or so other inquiries about this. One asking, "Why wont the booster videos play on my android tablet?" Another asks, "Why are the 'videos unavailable' that provide boosters for the game..??" And still another asks, "Does anyone else keep getting the message video not available". I posted this new thread hoping that a resolution can be found for this problem. Your assistance in finding a resolution is greatly appreciated. Thanks again, Gregg