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I created this thread to share some tips from the experience and testing I have gathered. There are also some good general tips on the first page:
My best tips in addition to those stated are:
Another tip is this:
It's not just about HOW to play but about WHEN to play. These past two weeks have been great: Good events, easy boards (in the lower ranges at least). When the going is good like this use the events to gather boosters for use later and make sure you win every episode race to win gold.
When the going gets tough: pause playing. The going gets tough during events like All Stars and major leaderboard competitions. If you find you are being held up and you are getting frustrated then stop playing new levels for a while. If you find you spend more gold than you are making, it's time for a pause.
And here my tips for absolute beginners:
On levels 0 to 200 don't spend any of the gold the game gives you and save up all your boosters as well. If you fail a level, try again and it may get easy to pass on your second or subsequent attempt. Understand that the candies don't fall randomly but are controlled by the game mechanics and at each attempt it is different. So if the game leaves you one candy short, next time it may let you pass. Don't pay gold or use lollipops to beat levels 0-200! Be patient and wait for the lucky board, which will come eventually. From level 200-300 there will be levels where you will need boosters or gold to pass, so keep them safe for those "horrible 200s".
You can win gold in the episode races. Ignore the other players as they are just recordings picked by King. The event has a timer and mostly if you finish an episode the same day you started it you will win.
Thank you for the tips..I used boosters some legendary levels
I'll add another of my tips here:
Don't fall for the tricks the game plays! Always be aware that candies do NOT drop at random near the end of a tricky level. King's algorithms decide if you get a chance to pass or fail. This early level is a prime example to illustrate:
Level 35, which looks like this:
By this time as a new player I have 50 gold bars and been given some lollipop hammers and fishes. On my first attempt the game gives me an easy board if I follow the hints and I am almost there with 10 moves left:
So I have ten moves to line up two more green candies to make the winning match here. So you think it is happening? Or maybe that I get the chance to get a colour bomb? So few colours, such an easy board. But think again…
They wanted me to use one of my lollipops or 10 of my precious gold.
The same trick the game plays again and again, often on our first attempt. The only difference being that on level 35 of course I passed easily on my second attempt. If you are at a level in the thousands, especially if it's a legendary or nightmarish level, then DO use that lollipop if you are in this position, as it may be many many attempts before the game lets you pass.
There were some levels with licorice or light gray square ones (I don’t know their names 🤣). If they are kind of dropping down, even if there are more moves to spare, if I could use a hammer to end the game I would. I got stuck several times when those candies filled the jelly and as they were on a column they would keep filling in. In those cases, I swapped them with a jelly nearby if I could then use a hammer.
Someone probably mentioned this before but another thing I noticed is you can’t use a hammer to hit a jelly with a frog on it. So, if you have a double jelly and a ready-to-jump frog, it’s better to place the frog next to that jelly then use a hammer to finish it.
Hi Christine🤗
Thank you for this thread and great tips😍
Looks like there are 2 threads with the same title!! The one you shared in your opening post was closed. But, this one I am sharing here is open for players to share their tips —> Help on Levels! 15 Best tips & Hints on how to Play Candy Crush Saga
Would you like me to request to move all your above tips to that thread (so that, you don't have to retype everything)?
Please don't move my posts @PummyRaj if that is allowed. I had trouble finding the thread you linked here, and I doubt I could find it again. I always have trouble finding my posts after they have been tidied away from one thread to another and I am sure so has everyone else. I would prefer my threads to remain separate so that I can direct players to them.
Sure, Christine👍️
I was only asking as you were wondering about that thread!
Please make sure to keep this thread active, so that it won't hide in the back pages!
It's time for me log out soon! Have a lovely day ahead🍫🍫
Thanks for your support @PummyRaj and have a great day/evening too!