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Levels have been misbehaving lately. You can get one version, then restart the game and get another.
It appears that they are in the process of tweaking certain levels. And fish don't attack Sour Skull on this level for me either, even though they usually do.
They seem to program fish to do certain tasks on certain levels. For example, they don't normally target keys, but on level 8329 they do.
On another note, will you be participating in All Stars with you dog game?
No, my main (dog) game doesn't have it, the second (cat) game does, but it doesn't have many resources. Maybe I can try to make it to the last round on a low budget again. I'm still undecided. In any case, I don't stand a chance in the final round.
Will Cornflower be participating?
Yes and I've started a thread about it:
Sorry, I meant the black cat account, I know that the dog can't participate. Good luck with the cat!
@christinewupp Tyvm for this info Christine, always helpful and much appreciated
So I took it upon myself to try to document which levels in the Star Tournament have new fish, which have old fish, and which have no fish at all (which is really just the old fish, meaning a 2x2 doesn't create a fish, but no fish can occur because there are no fish spawners in the level). I carefully documented all the levels; I found that there were slightly more new fish levels than old fish + no fish levels. But then I looped around and kept going, and discovered to my surprise that a number of the levels are changing the second time around! So it seems almost like it's random whether you get the old or new fish, even on the same level!?!?!
Really wild. Is anyone seeing that behavior in regular levels? Does anyone still see old-style fish in the regular levels? Because they're quite common in the Star Tournament, at least for me, and it seems like it changes from instance to instance. Very weird and surprising.
It's interesting - this would be another way King could control outcomes - switch the behavior of the fish whenever it's convenient for the outcome they desire.
I think you don't read the announcement in Support column, fish can change by yourself in Star.
Oh wow. Sorry, I never check the Support threads. Obviously I should. Or they should post an announcement like this in the general Discussion threads as well.
That's a pretty surprising bug.
Also, I'd like to point out that I mentioned this behavior earlier in this thread on March 19, the day before they posted that in Support. So I guess I found it before they did. π (Maybe they found it because they saw my post?)
Oh, and @michimune , thank you so much for pointing this out. I would still be trying to puzzle out how this works if it weren't for your message.
Short description of the announcement in the Support column, for those others like me who might not have seen it: If you enter the game and immediately go to the Star Tournament at the end of the map without playing any old levels first, the fish will be old-style fish and follow the old algorithm. But if you go back and play an old level first, and then enter the Star Tournament, the fish will then be new-style fish.