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Build a Bot boosters available for previous levels



  • P2tt
    P2tt Posts: 36

    Level 3

    I think we are naive to think this is random(as elsa says). most of people here are at fairly high levels 3500+  and either have never or have stopped spending money with King/candycrush.   KIng sees no downside with driving us away ---which they are doing.  just woke up to losing all of my build a bot progress for fifth time.  hope this does not sound too paranoid.  
  • P2tt
    P2tt Posts: 36

    Level 3

    what is particularly galling is that we are competing but playing against people who are playing by different  and often easier rules. 
  • TRICIA4955
    TRICIA4955 Posts: 225
    Why is there no space dash today?
  • Khaos
    Khaos Posts: 523
    It's Monday and it seems more people are getting the new build a bot. Looking more like this is not changing. Disappointing.
  • chuck38
    chuck38 Posts: 29

    Level 3

    Build a bot was reset this morning for me as well. I have had for the last four weeks but now I must completely rebuild. This will be nearly impossible as the 4000 and over levels are next to impossible without a complete bot.  Please wake up King and make the right change for your most loyal fans!
  • cazmartini
    cazmartini Posts: 150
    @Elsa. Any updates? Thanks 
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
    Hi @Carol_Martins, not yet but mine was reset to the beginning.
  • ludwig
    ludwig Posts: 6

    Level 2

    Space dash that you can play on old levels? I still have build a bot. I haven’t played in over a month and only logged back on to see if anything had changed.
  • Pete_Lashmar
    Pete_Lashmar Posts: 51

    Level 3

    I won the Space Dash, lots of goodies but still impossible to have 2 CB to get past the level I've been stuck on for 4 weeks. I can't believe that King won't just reverse their decision, I want to play the bloody game and relax not get angry at it.
  • Annecu
    Annecu Posts: 3

    Level 1

    I don’t have Space Dash 🙁..... I’ve still got the awful Build a bot . Can’t understand why  it’s not given to everyone ..... very unfair .

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