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  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 36,741 Sweet Legend
    Hi @terezicka, welcome to our community.  I would like to take a moment to offer you a message for all newbies to learn more about our community which you can find here.  We always run contests so be sure to do them for a chance to win gold bars.

    Is this still happening in your game?  Are you clearing the history/cache daily?

  • Barb_Howard
    Barb_Howard Posts: 120 Level 3
    I clear my history daily. It is still happening 
  • livcool
    livcool Posts: 1 Newbie
    Samsung S6 through fb app. My game crashed yesterday too. 7-13-19
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 36,741 Sweet Legend
    Please confirm if this is happening when you try to play the video?  Is there an option not to play it?  I know that the video issue has been reported to the studio but I don't know where they are in terms of fixing it.
  • Barb_Howard
    Barb_Howard Posts: 120 Level 3
    Good morning Elsa, That was not me who sent that screenshot or whatever that was lol
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 36,741 Sweet Legend
    I know that it wasn't you but there are a few complaints so I am trying to see if there is a pattern somehow.
  • Barb_Howard
    Barb_Howard Posts: 120 Level 3
    So sorry Elsa!!😢
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 36,741 Sweet Legend
    No problem my friend!  It's just so frustrating for all of us because you guys can't play the game and I can't figure out why.
  • Barb_Howard
    Barb_Howard Posts: 120 Level 3
    @Elsa. Hi again. What are you doing up at 2:30a.m. On a Saturday??. I got your message but when I hit reply it brought me back to the sign in section. I am playing on an iPad mini and really haven't had a problem til the June 2 or3rd update. 

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 36,741 Sweet Legend
    I can't sleep because I think of all the things that I want to do on my computer so I just get up and work all night long!  Did you see the 2 stories that I created for CC Saga and CC Soda Saga?  This morning I was working on CC Jelly Saga and CC Friends Saga.  Hopefully they will be done during the week.

    I think I remember talking to you about last resort and either uninstalling the game and reinstalling it again or bringing it back to factory settings.  I think you said that you didn't want to do that but I think that's about the only way that the problem might be resolved.  I haven't seen too many posts in the last few days crashing on mobile as much as issues on

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?