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Get rid of Timed Sugar Drops/Boosters



  • Posts: 75

    Level 3

    edited July 2019
    I am also wondering why the need to start a new thread about timed boosters / sugar drops. I thought this was that thread. So many people have already commented their opinions here. Isn’t it best to keep it simple and together in one place?  I keep getting notices in my email with each new comment and there are already so many. 

     bearwithme said:
    I am going to start a new thread called timed boosters as a general discussion area where people can post their views about timed booster in general.  This thread is specifically aimed at the timed boosters some people are getting when they collect sugar drops and voting to bring back non-timed boosters. It helps the CMs when providing feedback to the game developers (and Jelly Jenny does on a regular basis), to be able to have a thread focused on a particular subject (in this case the timed boosters for sugar drops).  I certainly understand everyone's frustration and encourage you to continue to post your opinions here and in other threads.

  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,933
    OK - based upon your feedback I am just going to amend the wording of this thread to include all timed boosters that you are receiving - not just through the sugar drop challenge and close the new thread.  Thank you for the feedback - I do appreciate it, and keep those comments and votes coming!
  • waazoo
    waazoo Posts: 14

    Level 2

    The timed candies are annoying    i would go through and collect sugar dops so i could stock up and get through tough levels    dont change whats working    why why why    dont hate much    but i hate this 
  • Deryck
    Deryck Posts: 1,376

    In response to the recent discussion above, I agree one thread should suffice for the disdain for timed boosters - why not simply change this thread title to "Get rid of Timed Boosters".

    I've been throughout the forum, and based on reports, it appears they're now being pushed everywhere in the game - sugar drops, Treat Calendar, Spin Wheel, the new very stupid and pointless Garden Party event, treasure chest/key event, etc. I fully expect to see them in feed Didi/Rami next, if this goes unchecked.

    It's absurd to make individual threads for each unique area that receives timed boosters. I believe the majority just wants timed boosters gone everywhere and the regular storeable boosters restored.

  • Miss_Piggy_2
    Miss_Piggy_2 Posts: 6

    Level 2

    edited July 2019
    Get rid of the times boosters. They are of no use. Bring back the old ones. We need boosters we can keep and use when the time is right. King, please listen!  Worst idea EVER!
  • Carl_Hunter
    Carl_Hunter Posts: 11

    Level 2

    I agree the timed boosters for collecting sugar drops are a waste of time. Please revert the sugar drop prizes back to the way they were.
  • andrea60
    andrea60 Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Get rid of the timed boosters!!! It’s not going to make people spend money, it will do the opposite. People won’t spend money now because King is being cheap and limiting boosters. Bad idea!
  • Deryck
    Deryck Posts: 1,376
    edited July 2019

    (FYI I made a separate post earlier directed to Peter that was held for approval. Just a heads up in case it randomly appears tomorrow, the day after, etc. and looks completely out of place with what's being discussed here by then.)

  • Peter_Tornaros
    Peter_Tornaros Posts: 2,228
    I really wonder if anybody at King takes any notice of the avalanche of complaints, as from this thread they keep adding timed boosters with gay abandon. I reached Level 5075 on Wednesday morning, so have been inactive since.
    I bet swift action will be taken when their advertising revenue and/or share price decreases !!
  • melhence
    melhence Posts: 101
    I am currently at level 5075, which as of now is the lat released now I log in every day with the hope of playing for sugar drops where we get the regular boosters for future i play a couple of games till the first level and when I realise that the feature of timed boosters remain I quit this what Candy Crush is aiming for? I really really wish that the developers would use their time and creativity for giving players features which are enjoyable or are wanted by the example being the feature of typing in a number for the level you wish to play instead of the long scrolling !!! Nearly all players wish to have this feature yet the developers are turning a deaf ear to this request while wasting their time in adding features detrimental to the enjoyment of playing this game.
This discussion has been closed.

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