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Button to scroll to beginning levels

Any chance you can add a button to scroll to the beginning levels? There is one to get to the current level, but not the opposite way, back to the beginning. Thank you
16 votes

Active · Last Updated


  • They should hvw a feature where you can click on w button that has the different levels so it's easier to go back instead of having to sit nd scroll for ages. 
  • Phill
    Phill Posts: 8

    Level 2

    Yes agree 100% I have been going back while waiting for new levels and completing levels for more stars and it would be nice to get back faster.
  • Tankergirl
    Tankergirl Posts: 19

    Level 2

    My gaming mouse has a button that allows the wheel to free-wheel, makes it so much faster to get to the bottom levels for the sugar drops! But yes, an in-game button would be great, I've wished for that when I use my laptop to play!
  • dp65
    dp65 Posts: 11

    Level 2

    I want a small window for required level promptly for kids at different level. Y u can't add  for different levels when a buttun is working for current level.???? Regards Atiq
  • leahjane10
    leahjane10 Posts: 76

    Level 3

    People here have been requesting this type of feature for a long time (search box for a level, scroll down , etc.), but King has not listened. 
  • dp65
    dp65 Posts: 11

    Level 2

    helllooo MR. King....? r u there?
  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123
    Hello @sdjeff22 Hearty Welcome to the Candy Crush section of our friendly King Community :) 

    Thank you for suggesting your Idea about moving down to lower levels!  I would like to inform you that this Idea was already suggested by one of our Superstars @Elsa, and is up for voting from many months! 

    @sdjeff22 @Khoddiey_Clark @dp65 @Tankergirl and @leahjane10 please head to That IDEA and give your Vote :+1: 
    Since you have posted the similar Idea, we will close this thread.  Thank you for understanding! 

    Have a great day/evening!
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,531

    This is a duplicate idea.  Redirecting to same idea so please vote here.  Closing this message now.

This discussion has been closed.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?