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No longer able to exit an unstarted board without losing lives - Information and feedback



  • Kazza-3
    Kazza-3 Posts: 232
    edited December 2019
    The inconsistencies about what features are available in the game have always annoyed me - on my iPhone I’ve never had the opportunity to watch videos to start a level with boosters or win moves to keep playing.
    I’ve never had the episode race, never had Didi/Rami. And my bot often goes missing for days at a time. So I have zero opportunity to win gold bars, and 90% of sugar drop boosters are usually useless timed ones.
    Being able to reset an unfavourable board at least gave me a fighting chance.
    Not everyone can afford to spend large amounts of $$ on the game, which is the entire purpose of this “fix”, whatever explanation King tries to insult us with.
    It’s just not worth playing anymore.

  • Benni_Jones
    Benni_Jones Posts: 34

    Level 3

    Last March I got really frustrated by a level and spent about the cost of a medium pizza delivered. I buy piggy banks every few months. So I'm what King wants - a paying customer. Why in the world would they p&^% me off? First no Sugar Drops, then no Space Dash, then no Olivia, ok, good, probably made me a better player by forcing me to wean off lolihammers. But why kill the goose that's laying you the golden egg? Why job us like this? 

    We don't want a way to see the levels. We can do that on any of a number of support sites. We want a way to see where our boosters will end up if we use them. I'm a veteran player, 3600+. I'd rather go to the beach than play, but it's nice on cold days. But there's other games. 
  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,928
    Hello @probabilitycloud - I'm not sure why 20 gold bars should have gone missing from your account. 

    As far as the Insight giver badge is concerned - I know it appears you don't care for the badge - I just wanted to let you know that one of the other players thought a comment of yours was 'insightful' - so you have been awarded the badge.
  • edmo1640
    edmo1640 Posts: 62

    Level 3

    People just delete the game and move on with your life. 
  • xofxof
    xofxof Posts: 13

    Level 2

    Pounawea said:
    Last but not least, an open question: Can you think of a different way for us to preview levels in the game?
    it is not fair to summarise this whole thread to this question. 

    People did NOT ask for a possibility to preview a level. Not at all! You could always do this by entering a level and invest a life. We do not need to preview a level. 

    What we want is to to reset the board! In a way that our boosters If we decide to use them from the start are better arranged so we risk playing it. Such as it was before. Resetting without losing a life or a booster. 

    I would even ask you to make it easier for us by introducing a reset button in the game. Because having to exit and entering was always a time consuming task that nevertheless anybody was willing to do. Trust me, since you disabled this I honestly lost the interest in playing. So many people are saying this, hear our voice.

    We want board reset. Not a preview. 
  • curlyfried
    curlyfried Posts: 12

    Level 2

    Dinerboy said:
    Ponder this from a player's perspective, within the context of buying boosts, because that's how King monetizes the game.

    If you open a board and your boosts are located in lousy positions, you've just lost those boosts with no realistic expectation of them helping you beat a tough board.  If this is the norm, are you *more* or *less* likely to spend money on boosts?  The higher probability of having a booster simply go to waste will be a disincentive to spending money on them.

    Here's the most galling part, they've done this BEFORE. In this thread, started (I think) May 28th of this year, players complained about the reset feature being removed. Shortly after, because of those complaints, King reinstated the reset function. And now, they've helpfully "fixed" it and removed it permanently. It is literally jaw-dropping that this blatant money grab was initially being sold to players as some "fix" -- when it clearly wasn't positioned as such in the past. 

    Anyway, King listened back then. Now, we're all getting a big middle finger while they have a good laugh at our expense. Good luck with your 4Q profits, King. Never another penny from me! 
  • Danilo666666
    Danilo666666 Posts: 5

    Level 2

    Signed up just for this. I'll keep going until level 6000 then I'm out. This "fix" ruined the game for me. I enjoyed going back improving old levels but that's out of the question now. 
    Bye, bye for ever. 
    Way to make a stand...keep going to level 6000. Goo luck with that! The rest of us will be sticking it right back at King by refusing to play. What goes around comes around.
    We'll, it's another 85 levels and it appeals to my numerological side 😁
  • pmor
    pmor Posts: 10

    Level 2

    I have never posted here or on the helpblogspot but since I'm going to be quitting the game I decided to give my 2 cents. I have been playing for probably 4 years and am in the 4800s in terms of levels. I have seen lots of complaints on the blogspot but in general have always found a way to get the game to have some strategy vs just luck. At first it was in the games themselves, then as levels became ridiculously difficult, it became a strategy of which boosters to use, then sugar drops were changed and the bots added and it became a strategy of resetting the game to start with the combo I thought would best help me win. If all else failed I'd go to the blogspot and the servers behind the scenes would communicate "hey we made some $ off her with the ads" and I'd magically pass within the next time or two. I haven't spent any $ on boosters but have used blogspot a ton so the ads I've been served have made King plenty of $ via that mechanism. Now as the revenue model has increasingly become unsustainable (which any corporate idiot should have figured from the start would happen with the model they chose) they've taken away reset and basically we are left with a game of slots. Some people like slots - paying $ to play same thing over and over and over and over...not me sooooo boring. And of course with slots there's the ability to win cash - not with this game.$. So with quite a bit of regret I will stop playing because, well, it's soooo boring. 
  • humphreyhumbert
    humphreyhumbert Posts: 7

    Level 2

    This thread is eye opening:

    It seems that back in the Spring, King first eliminated the ability to reset the board. Then, in a post made on June 4th, a community manager announced King reversed its decision and allowed it once again. Now, we're being told that this was a "game issue" as if it were some glitch that had existed since the game was released and was helpfully now "fixed." They "fixed" it back in June! Now they are "fixing" the "fix" and revoking the ability once again. 
  • freb
    freb Posts: 23

    Level 3

    LMAO at the fools who implemented this "fix". Enjoy all the well-deserved hatred, you dopes.

This discussion has been closed.

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