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No longer able to exit an unstarted board without losing lives - Information and feedback



  • crankinbeat
    crankinbeat Posts: 53

    Level 3

    HuythonOn said:
    Hi Community,

    Can I download the previous version of this game, because this one is really suck

    You might be halfway joking, but unfortunately, even if you have older versions of the game (and I’m only talking about mobile), this so-called “fix” [sic] will be seen on all the versions. I have several iOS devices (iPhones/iPads) and I even save many of my iOS App (.ipa) files to my computer, just in case (mostly for apps that do things that will eventually get them banned from the Apple App Store - or updated by the Devs to get rid of the feature - like downloading YouTube vids, SoundCloud, etc., but I’ve also saved old .ipa files of Candy Crush as well). 

    But I had older versions of CC on various devices (i.e. not updated to the “latest” version), and all of them started to do the same thing in terms of the so-called “fix” - that was on the device with the latest version. If the older versions of the app didn’t have this so-called “fix,” I was prepared to downgrade.

    So the bottom line is that it looks like everything is coming from King’s servers, in which case, it doesn’t matter what version we’re using. If there are any IT experts reading this, please let us know if there are any possible ”workarounds” (I obviously doubt there are of course)

    ....Wow, 37 pages (as of 12-10-19) and STILL King is NOT backing down. AND they’re getting terrible reviews on the iOS App Store specifically because of this so-called “fix” and I’m sure also on the Android Play store as well, yet it looks like King is NOT even listening to its base (its *CUSTOMERS*) and is putting corporate greed and alleged profit over us. But ironically, if they don’t reverse this horrendous so-called “fix,” it looks like they will lose A LOT of money and profit, because people will abandon the game and the ones that don’t abandon it, will largely stay away from spending money for boosters, lives, etc.

    #lolKing 🙄
  • Kazza-3
    Kazza-3 Posts: 232
    Being able to preview a board has its advantages - you can see if it would be helpful if you want to use boosters from your supply.
    What if it’s an orders level & you have to destroy spawners? The tick booster would be useless. Being able to preview the level would tell you that so you don’t waste a precious booster, or waste a life because you don’t stand a chance without the booster.
    But I guess we can’t do that anymore. 
  • teerex
    teerex Posts: 5

    Level 2

    Previewing a level was a stand out feature of CCS compared to Soda and Friends. The studio should bring it back 
  • mercerik
    mercerik Posts: 3,617
    edited December 2019
    edmo1640 said:
    People stop bitching and moaning. Just delete the game and move on with your life. It’s a game company and they are killing the golden goose. Just say f’em and move on. It’s not worth it
    Hi there, @edmo1640 ! Welcome to the Community!

    We respect your decision to delete your game app and move on with your life. That is your right! No one can stop you from doing that. I urge you to please respect the members' decision to voice out their opinions and be heard! Let us try to bring back the Free Board Reset. If we succeed, everybody wins! Try to understand that if we lose, it is our time that are wasted and not yours. 

  • mercerik
    mercerik Posts: 3,617
    edited December 2019
    xoxolo said:
    You did not address or answer one of my questions and I don’t see how you think any of that is relevant to what I said.   I don’t care about the behind the scenes stuff.  I don’t work for king.   Unless I am looking at the wrong post  Give me one good reason, other than trying to cheat players out of boosters, for this change.  

    You were right, not any of the things in this Board Reset Thread Unintended Issue & Fix is relevant to what you are complaining about. I thought you knew what this Thread was all about. I thought you were here to voice out your feelings about this Thread. I didn't say you work for King and neither do I.

    If you want your issue to be resolved, you will have to create a Separate Support Thread for it so the Superstars here can try to resolve it for you. 

  • CarynVB
    CarynVB Posts: 7

    Level 2

    Has anyone tried contacting any of these guys? It’s crazy that not a single representative at King has even bothered to address this thread.
  • Rotschan
    Rotschan Posts: 2

    Level 1

    xoxolo said:
    What a joke response that was.  No mention of how you are ripping us off for the boosters that we have earned or purchased!  The boosters matter when you have reached the upper levels.  Why don’t you figure out how to preview levels, it’s your literal job to give us alternatives when you pull stuff like this.  And figure out how we can start our timed boosters when we want to use them while you’re at it.  
    Not that I believe they’ll do anything, but it would be nice.     

  • King32
    King32 Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Love it its great
  • Sarob
    Sarob Posts: 8

    Level 2

    Keep posting they read our comments!
  • SagaR
    SagaR Posts: 187

    More like LMAO at the fools who spent actual money on a free game.  I have no idea how anyone could possibly derive any sort of satisfaction or pleasure from spending money on a completely free-to-play game. [...] I’m genuinely curious here...for those of you who are gullible enough to spend actual money on this free game, what exactly do you get out of it?
    I will try to reply from my side (although I don't much care for your loaded question; I definitely do not consider myself a "fool" or "gullible").

    I have been playing Candy Crush Saga since September 2017 and yes, I buy gold bars with real money (and then use them to buy boosters). I do this because I like passing levels, and even more than that, I like passing levels on the first try.

    I have a limited amount of time, but (and I do know I am privileged) have a very nice amount of money at my disposal to spend on frivolous things and on entertainment. To me, paying to play Candy Crush Saga in the manner I like is no different than paying to see a movie, paying for the books I read, paying for cable tv, and many other ways that I pay for entertainment.

    I remember when I first got into Candy Crush Saga. The first levels were fairly ok, but quite early on, somewhere in the 70 mark, I hit a level that I just could not pass. I tried probably 20 times. Then suddenly I had an epiphany. If I paid for extra moves and for a few candy hammers, I could pass the level. So I did. I could not believe how easy it was. I was able to solve the problem simply by throwing money at it. To me (again, I do realize this is not a common situation) a problem that needs only money to sort out, is not really a problem.

    So, then there was no looking back. I progressed at a rapid pace (at one point I completed a thousand levels in less than four weeks).

    I have now for a long time been in a situation where I wait for new levels every week. I still like to clear them rapidly and on the first try, so I have continued to buy gold bars (and consequently, boosters) when I have needed them. I don’t need to buy as many boosters as I did before, of course, as I only have less than 200 levels a month to play, but even now I pay a few hundred dollars each month for gold bars.

    Or more to the point, I have done until now. I am one of the people who has decided that this latest stunt is the last straw. I will go to level 6000 (a nice round number) and then I will stop. Unless, of course, the decision about the board reset is reversed, but that does not seem likely.

    To me, this decision to stop the possibility to reset the board is such an ultimate example of greed and stupidity, that I can not and will not support it.

    Levels 5971 - 5915 were the first ones I played where the board reset was no longer possible. I still completed all of them on the first try. It took more boosters than it would have done if I was able to reset the board, but the difference is not massive. Certainly I could still afford to continue to play if I wanted to.

    The thing is that for me, the enjoyment has gone completely out of the game. I am in fact a bit surprised to notice how important the board reset option is to me psychologically, but it seems it is indeed crucial.

    Being able to reset the board without losing a life gave me the illusion that I was somehow actively affecting the game. That something I was able to do, had a positive influence on the outcome. When I got a bad board, I reset it, sometimes five-six times, until I got a good one. And then I had a nice small thrill, like I had achieved something. Yes, I know it is an illusion, but it was a good one. Then I completed the level and felt good.

    Now, I open the board and whatever I get, is the one I play. Often the boosters are quite close to each other, so I use a few hand switches to move them to the desired place. But it's not the same as actively doing something to affect the outcome. I don't get any positive feeling from it, and in fact I don't really even get a positive feeling from completing the level in go. Rather, I feel like I have been exploited and taken advantage of.

    No good feeling any more = no reason to continue playing.
This discussion has been closed.

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