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Combating self-isolation by Candy Crushing

Katrina_A Posts: 74

Level 3

As many people are probably aware (unless you live under a rock) there is a current pandemic going on across the globe and a lot of people are being asked to self-isolate so as to protect vulnerable people and the elderly.

I was hoping KING might be willing to consider putting on some extra challenges for players such as -

  • encouraging people to earn more sugar stars by having weekly or daily challenges where the more you win the more you get boosters etc.
  • I know the build a bot will never come back the way it used to be but would KING consider putting the spaceships on for example one day a week or something? I remember you did it every weekend yonks of year ago and I always looked forwards to it.
  • Does anyone else remember the 'travelling around the world' challenge many MANY years ago. I LOVED IT! How about bringing it back to keep people's minds occupied.
  • Some more challenge boards would be awesome too!

Just my two pence :) Happy crushing to you all <3



  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429

    Hello and welcome to this community

    There is a bit in the discussion area about changes. Some players are already getting unlimited lives. And there will be more. It also depends on the country. You could post some there and it will be read. It is not seen here !!!

    @Elsa a

  • cindy4
    cindy4 Posts: 1

    Level 1

    I am in New York and am looking for unlimited lives. How do I get them. I’ve been stuck inside for a week and I’m going crazy

  • DanAnsomeHandsome
    DanAnsomeHandsome Posts: 1

    Level 1

    How about unlimited lives and not profiting off people are trapped indoors. I mean we the people gave this company a 40% corporate tax deduction and the very least they can do to give back to the people is not charge them just to play.. when this is all over we will all remember and really pay more attention to the people and things that are truly important in life and this game has the chance to step up and make people appreciate they were there or be seen as profiteers in a time of need.

  • Katrina_A
    Katrina_A Posts: 74

    Level 3

    Hi Elsa

    Could you be a bit clearer please? Am I right in understanding that some countries will get unlimited lives whilst other won't? and if so how do we know who does? Albeit it makes no sense to differentiate people depending on where they live.

    You also mention that I can post some there? where is there??? I am aware that there is a suggestion box but it is marked as read only.....

  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429

    The post is in Covid - 19. Commented by Crazy Cat Lad. The unlimited lives still get everyone. But little by little. I come from Germany and I don't have it yet.


  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542

    Hi @Katrina_A they are probably doing a test on this and they have given it to the 3 countries with the highest Coronavirus count. Where do you live? I am in the USA and in my area I think the count is around 1000 but we all know that these counts are not accurate because so many have it and haven't been testes so the counts are only those who have tested positive.

  • Katrina_A
    Katrina_A Posts: 74

    Level 3

    Hi Elsa, Thank you for getting back to me. so probably eh? so not definitely then? FYI most countries are nearing or on lockdown and are being encouraged to self-isolate so it shouldn't matter what country you live in..... FYI I am based in Europe...

    So in retrospective those with the most corona virus get "rewarded" with extra lives??? makes no sense to me....  

    Still no answer to where "there" is so I can post there (pardon the pun) to suggest these ideas.

  • maria_liz
    maria_liz Posts: 8

    Level 2

    I'm in Italy and unlimited lives are finished the last night.

    Please put in on again, it helps a lot!


  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429


    Please go to the discussion area and post it there. There could be discussions and the managers have faster access to give an answer!

  • jaynelouiset
    jaynelouiset Posts: 5

    Level 2

    so me and my friend in uk play this every day so many times a day, now she got unlimited lifes test but yet I havent . was wondering if anyone else has had them plz

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?