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Combating self-isolation by Candy Crushing

Katrina_A Posts: 66 Level 3

As many people are probably aware (unless you live under a rock) there is a current pandemic going on across the globe and a lot of people are being asked to self-isolate so as to protect vulnerable people and the elderly.

I was hoping KING might be willing to consider putting on some extra challenges for players such as -

  • encouraging people to earn more sugar stars by having weekly or daily challenges where the more you win the more you get boosters etc.
  • I know the build a bot will never come back the way it used to be but would KING consider putting the spaceships on for example one day a week or something? I remember you did it every weekend yonks of year ago and I always looked forwards to it.
  • Does anyone else remember the 'travelling around the world' challenge many MANY years ago. I LOVED IT! How about bringing it back to keep people's minds occupied.
  • Some more challenge boards would be awesome too!

Just my two pence :) Happy crushing to you all <3



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