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  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,143

    Hello my friends 🤗

    Very Sorry for keeping you waiting. I have been very busy for the past few days! That's why, did not get a chance to check the numbers and post it here.

    But, it was very very sweet of our dear @Bumper2019 to check and post the total amounts for me 🤗 🙏

    No more waiting.... here are the results....

    The first place is taken by one of our Superstars and my good friend @Foley1362 with an amazing score of 23580

    Second place is taken by our good friend @Bumper2019 with 4890 Color Bombs

    and Third place goes to @Pitty_Kitty with 4438 Color Bombs;

    Other contestants who took part but were not able to win this time:

    @caambuj with 3731 Color Bombs;

    @Sammyjo with 3177 Color Bombs;

    and @Freddy_Falkner with 2236 Color Bombs;

    Dear @Pounawea, a small change....

    Our @Bumper2019 has informed that they do not want the Gold Bars and wants you to give those to the 4th place winner. So, Ambuj will be receiving the Gold Bars.

    Thanks a lot everybody for making this contest wonderful and entertaining!

    Hope you all had fun participating, as much as I did with creating it 😄 🤩

  • Pounawea
    Pounawea Posts: 4,511

    Dear community,

    Thank you all very much for participating in this contest and congratulations to: 

    @Foley1362 , @Pitty_Kitty and @caambuj ! 🥳 👏

    I'd also like to thank @PummyRaj for running this forum contest! 🙂🙌 and also, shout out to @Bumper2019 , for giving the prize to another community member!!

    Please send your game ID to our amazing Superstar, so we can send the GB to your game!!! (check here how to find the Game ID number).

    Last for not leat, remember that the Gold Bars give away has come to an end here but the Level 4000 badge will still be up for grabs to all of you that haven't claimed it yet. 😉

    Now, the fun goes on in our community! Come and join us 🥳 🥳 Celebrate Level 7000 with us and win prizes!

    Have a delicious day and see you around the forum.

  • Bumper2019
    Bumper2019 Posts: 3,271

     🎉🎉🎉 Congrats @Foley1362@Pitty_Kitty and @caambuj!  🎉🎉🎉

    Great contest Thank you @PummyRaj and @Pounawea

  • Pounawea
    Pounawea Posts: 4,511

    Thank you very much for your feedback @Bumper2019.

    We are always trying to bring new and exciting contest so everyone and each of you have chances to win in-game rewards and also to have some fun. 🙂

    By the way, @Foley1362 , @Pitty_Kitty and @caambuj I've got your Game IDs from previous events you won! I just sent the Gold Bars your way! Next time you log in, you should see them in your game.

    Have a delicious day everyone and, stay safe!

  • Yosca
    Yosca Posts: 17,879

    Congratulations to all the winners! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  • Pitty_Kitty
    Pitty_Kitty Posts: 13,008

    Thank you @PummyRaj and @Pounawea !

    And congrats to the other winners too

    Have a nice day everyone :)

  • poojarastogi
    poojarastogi Posts: 18

    Level 2

  • caambuj
    caambuj Posts: 1,733

    Thank you my dear friend @PummyRaj n @Pounawea for running the awesome contest and giving us a sweet badge😊.

    Congratulation @Foley1362 and @Pitty_Kitty

    @Bumper2019 I realy dont know why you did this but it will always remain in my memory as a gift from a true friend😋.

  • poojarastogi
    poojarastogi Posts: 18

    Level 2

  • KingChewy
    KingChewy Posts: 13,713

    Thank you @PummyRaj & @Pounawea for this fun contest 💪🏻

    Congrats to @Pitty_Kitty & @caambuj 👏🏻👏🏻

    @Bumper2019 - gentleman and a scholar 🙏🏻

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