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Help us improve Accessibility for players in Candy Crush Saga!

Pounawea Posts: 4,512

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Dear community,

A great saga needs all sorts of heroes and that’s why we embrace and celebrate what makes us different rather than what makes us the same. 

👉As the Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD) takes place on the 21st of May, our fantastic Game Studios would like to focus on how we could deliver the best game experience for every one of you. And you, Community Member, can help us to help you!

What is Accessibility? 

Accessibility is the degree in which our game can be made playable to as many people as possible. By improving the accessibility, we can make the game more inclusive, as it allows different kinds of people with different kinds of limitations to all be able to enjoy it!

Here are some kinds of disabilities we are trying to keep in mind:

So for Candy Crush Saga specifically, some examples we’ve got so far: 

  • Flashy particles: Players with eg. epilepsy may struggle with flashy visual effects causing seizures or hurting their eyes.
  • Scrolling through the Saga Map: Players with arthritis or other physical impairments may find scrolling through episodes physically exhausting.
  • Colour blindness: Players with this genetic condition may have problems differentiating the different types of bombs, candy and other colour-based objects in the game. 
  • ...and we’re sure there must be many other things too!

🌟 We would love to hear about the ways Candy Crush Saga is helping you in terms of accessibility - or anything that could help! And even more, we would love to know if you are experiencing specific difficulties while playing. All your feedback will be helpful to keep on delivering the best for you.

Thank you so much everyone! 🙌

Have a delicious day, and stay safe!



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