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  • Kazza-3
    Kazza-3 Posts: 232
    edited July 2020

    There are so many things they describe as “test features” that have been around for years then they arbitrarily remove them using that excuse. How are we supposed to see that as anything other than an a way to get us to spend more $$?

    The daily treat calendar has also been changed, I am getting only 1 booster a day, we used to get 2 or 3 in the last couple of days. How can that be explained?

    Today I got a message - 30 gold crowns by Sunday evening & I win 3 boosters. Seriously? Without boosters to play with & no money to spend (there is still a pandemic going on) I passed 16 levels last week. 16 levels in 7 days. I managed 2 gold crowns in those 16. So now 30 in 3 days for 3 boosters??

    All they are doing is taking & taking. In return we get these new features that are supposed to be “exciting”. They are in reality a very poor substitute that just show King’s greed.

  • Von_3
    Von_3 Posts: 502

    I recall that the timed games were removed because it was discriminating against those players who may have a physical problem such as poor sight, lack of finger dexterity or older players for example who may have slower reactions. It meant that those players could never hope to pass a timed level.

    This seemed to me to be a valid reason for changing the timed levels.

  • grr
    grr Posts: 101

    I used to think 'test group' meant a certain number of players were given extra features to see how well they were received, used, etc. Now it appears to mean remove a feature. At least I seem to be in the test group that keeps having things removed and nothing worthwhile (beanstalk climb) added.

  • mint_aero
    mint_aero Posts: 206
    edited July 2020

    Have to agree the term 'test feature' feels like a cop out, avoiding a proper/real explanation.

    Did you guys notice the pinned post titled 'new level complete message in the game'. That feature was present only around 10 days before being deactivated for analysis.

    Yet it seems, some other features need years worth of study and action then taken. E.g losing life when exiting board, without making a move.

  • The_Wacha_kid
    The_Wacha_kid Posts: 95

    Level 3

    El calendario de tratamiento diario también ha cambiado, solo recibo 1 refuerzo al día, solíamos obtener 2 o 3 en los últimos días. ¿Cómo se puede explicar eso?

    Hoy recibí un mensaje: 30 coronas de oro el domingo por la noche y gano 3 refuerzos. ¿Seriamente? Sin refuerzos para jugar y sin dinero para gastar (todavía hay una pandemia) pasé 16 niveles la semana pasada. 16 niveles en 7 días. Logré 2 coronas de oro en esos 16. ¿Entonces ahora 30 en 3 días por 3 refuerzos?

    To start this post, I want to thank all of you for entering here, (so we keep it current), since the purpose of it is to expose ALL that is affecting our performance in the game.

    @ kazza-3 let me tell you something, other than that you are absolutely right, 1 or 2 weeks ago was the Yeti challenge, and required: First pass 10 levels, Second get 5 levels with sugar stars, Third make 10 crowns. Result 3 measly boosters and that still did not remove the extra spin. Now as this, this challenge seems like a bad joke.

    @ Von_3 is correct what you say, it was a valid reason to remove the timed levels, but that; to remove the rest, what an excuse you have.

    @grr and @mint_aero to me also that term of test group sounds to me, as if we were laboratory rats, that for some things take years of study, and in others decisions are made very quickly.

    While it is true that market research does this kind of thing, we are the basis of your study BUT I think it should not be at the cost of taking money from us, (unless WE end up paying for that study).

    Please keep inviting more people here, to continue to know their opinions of everything that sucks lately ok.

  • The_Wacha_kid
    The_Wacha_kid Posts: 95

    Level 3

    NOTA : @Von_3

    Because I use the Google translator, the app is sometimes imprecise. When I referred to your post, I did not mean at the end: you excuse, if not your excuses.

  • Von_3
    Von_3 Posts: 502

    No problem Wacha - we understand you even if the translation is a bit odd now and then. We thank you for taking the trouble to use a translator as your comments are always valid.

  • The_Wacha_kid
    The_Wacha_kid Posts: 95

    Level 3

    Thank you very much @ Von_3

    I really appreciate your comment, since communication and respect is very important to me. So I keep inviting everyone else to participate because CCS stopped being fun?

  • Ner_Seryl
    Ner_Seryl Posts: 64

    Level 3

    Alll these exciting new features to enhance the gameplay. I must be playing a different version. Most levels give you 1 or 2 possible moves to start as the levels are more locked down than some countries have been. Unless you're prepared to pay to play King don't need you to stay. That's the truth of it

  • FluffBall
    FluffBall Posts: 203

    I am getting ads for Farm heroes saga pop up, I would rather carry on playing candy crush but as even the lower levels are becoming much more difficult, please can someone let me know if when playing Farn Heroes it is easier to progress and win boosters. I currently have infinite lives in candy crush but playing levels over & over to pass them just becomes boring so infinite lives don't really appeal, the game seems to more about waiting for a lucky board than skill because I try time & time again then eventually get a very straightforward board and win with lots of moves to spare.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?