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my lowest score from today :) :) :)
@Albert_Heinrich @Albert_Heinrich
@Pounawea I have finished the new levels for this week through Level 7640.
Last night I was a little mad at the game because I got the "Oops" right off on Level 7634. Did not even get to make a move ruining my great streak, so I thought. I put down the game for the night to clear my mind.
I was wrong about the level ruining my streak as I was soon to be challenged very nicely by Level 7637. Did not pass on my 1st try did not pass on my 2nd try either and there was no "Oops" to blame it on.
Level 7637 is my favorite this week. Patience my friends is what it takes, you got to really let that chocolate grow!
My other 2 favorite levels are "Freddo" Candy Frog levels.
Level 7631, Candy Frog is Not a target you have to move but with the Color Bombs it is a whole lotta fun to move him! CB + candy the same color of Candy Frog. Grow him quick!
Level 7617, which is "Freddo" Candy Frog as one of your targets, must grow and move him 4 times. CB dispenser on this one. I am pretty sure "Freddo" Candy Frog is a boy!
So the candy gods giveth and the candy gods taketh away! Glitches happen! I love this game and have been playing for 7 years. I use to hate when contests or other items would change in the game now I look forward to it!
@Pounawea @Scooterpie I also think Freddo the frog is a boy ☺️
@SandyKa, did you contact KING Customer Care about your concern.
@Pounawea, completed Episode 503 Fantastic Forrest with a Diamond Trophy
Caveat for all levels is the Pre-game Boosters from BaB until level 7534 and later F5 Boosters.
Started very late last night and left 5 levels for this morning, which was my best decision. At startup Booster Wheel delivered the elusive "Jackpot", Full F5 Boosters, Daily win after playing my first level, Unlock musical box 4 Boosters and Air delivery 4 Boosters.
FANTASTIC FOREST. Actual score was 4.6 and rounded up
Trophy awarded: Diamond Trophy
First time passes using level moves only: 14/15 (Golden Crowns)
Levels passed using extra moves: 0
Failed levels: 1 (7534)
Attempts at replay: 3
In Game Boosters used: 7 in 5 Levels ( 3 X UFO's, 3 X FS's, 1 X LH)
Most boosters used in one level: 2 (UFO's X 2), (UFO & LH)
Levels, with no in game Boosters used: 10
Sugar Stars: 4
Difficult levels: 7529, 7534, 7535
Tricky Levels: 7506, 7514, 7517
Five star levels: 12/15 (7521-7528, 7530-7533)
Four star levels: 7535
Three star levels: 7534
Two star levels: 7529
Starting with all those Pre-game Boosters is a massive advantage. It opens the board, especially if combos present at start-up. Three levels opened with CB Combos and I used FS on three levels to create CB Combos. Once the board opens up it is easier to negotiate the level, but there were some tricky and harder levels. At times the opening board is so small, it destroys all the special candies with the first move, so you somewhat loose the advantage and the level became trickier. When you are presented with a CB Combo and S&WC combo, instinct wants you to go CB. The blockers becomes the determining factor, so you have to choose well.
The first 8 levels went well and I used 3 X FS's to create combos.
Level 7527 had Froggo, but it was not on order. He (@Peter_Tornaros and @Scooterpie suggests it is male) did not respond to a WC & CB combo and CB/Candy explosion (Both of his colour). Fortunately he was not on order.
Level 7529 (Rainbow Rapids) first tough level. Deployed to UFO's to unlock the covered candies. The first one about halfway through, misfired completely. better success with the second one.
Level 7534 was the only level where I failed. This is a Rainbow Rapid levels with 14 Automatic Spawners (AS) and a myriad Popcorns. The board closed soon after I collected the last two keys. Disappointing when "OOPS" appear on the board. No chance for a Diamond Trophy and lost BaB. Replayed three times and got lucky on the third attempt, with, wait for it, wait for it, SUGAR STARS. Game on for the Diamond Trophy again. The trick is to save and create special candies before collecting the last two keys. Blasted half the Automatic Spawners and Popcorn before AS could spawn.
The rest of the levels had the usual trick or two and made me scratch my head (I noticed a bold patch this morning). LoL
Converting Golden Crowns into Sugar Stars was difficult. On two occasions i missed it by a whisker. Replayed both and got lucky with one of them (7528)
All 14 levels passed within the number of moves per level as well as the replayed level.
Will start the last episode tonight.
@Pounawea, completed Episode 503 Gummy Gardens with a Diamond Trophy
Caveat for all levels is the Pre-game Boosters from BaB until level 7534 and later F5 Boosters.
Started very late last night and left 5 levels for this morning, which was my best decision. At startup Booster Wheel delivered the elusive "Jackpot", Full F5 Boosters, Daily win after playing my first level, Unlock musical box 4 Boosters and Air delivery 4 Boosters.
FANTASTIC FOREST. Actual score was 4.6 and rounded up
Trophy awarded: Diamond Trophy
First time passes using level moves only: 14/15 (Golden Crowns)
Levels passed using extra moves: 0
Failed levels: 1 (7534)
Attempts at replay: 3
In Game Boosters used: 7 in 5 Levels ( 3 X UFO's, 3 X FS's, 1 X LH)
Most boosters used in one level: 2 (UFO's X 2), (UFO & LH)
Levels, with no in game Boosters used: 10
Sugar Stars: 4
Difficult levels: 7529, 7534, 7535
Tricky Levels: 7506, 7514, 7517
Five star levels: 12/15 (7521-7528, 7530-7533)
Four star levels: 7535
Three star levels: 7534
Two star levels: 7529
Starting with all those Pre-game Boosters is a massive advantage. It opens the board, especially if combos present at start-up. Three levels opened with CB Combos and I used FS on three levels to create CB Combos. Once the board opens up it is easier to negotiate the level, but there were some tricky and harder levels. At times the opening board is so small, it destroys all the special candies with the first move, so you somewhat loose the advantage and the level became trickier. When you are presented with a CB Combo and S&WC combo, instinct wants you to go CB. The blockers becomes the determining factor, so you have to choose well.
The first 8 levels went well and I used 3 X FS's to create combos.
Level 7527 had Froggo, but it was not on order. He (@Peter_Tornaros and @Scooterpie suggests it is male) did not respond to a WC & CB combo and CB/Candy explosion (Both of his colour). Fortunately he was not on order.
Level 7529 (Rainbow Rapids) first tough level. Deployed to UFO's to unlock the covered candies. The first one about halfway through, misfired completely. better success with the second one.
Level 7534 was the only level where I failed. This is a Rainbow Rapid levels with 14 Automatic Spawners (AS) and a myriad Popcorns. The board closed soon after I collected the last two keys. Disappointing when "OOPS" appear on the board. No chance for a Diamond Trophy and lost BaB. Replayed three times and got lucky on the third attempt, with, wait for it, wait for it, SUGAR STARS. Game on for the Diamond Trophy again. The trick is to save and create special candies before collecting the last two keys. Blasted half the Automatic Spawners and Popcorn before AS could spawn.
The rest of the levels had the usual trick or two and made me scratch my head (I noticed a bold patch this morning). LoL
Converting Golden Crowns into Sugar Stars was difficult. On two occasions i missed it by a whisker. Replayed both and got lucky with one of them (7528)
Completed Episode 504 Fantastic Forrest with a Diamond Trophy
Caveat for all levels is the Pre-game Boosters used from level 7536 and full BaB from level 7541.
FANTASTIC FOREST. My rated score was 4.02
Trophy awarded: Diamond Trophy
First time passes using level moves only: 15/15 (Golden Crowns)
Levels passed using extra moves: 0
Failed levels: 0
Attempts at replay: N/A
In Game Boosters used: 9 in 5 Levels ( 4 X UFO's, 2 X FS's, 3 X LH)
Most boosters used in one level: 4 (UFO's X 3 & LH X 1)
Levels, with no in game Boosters used: 10
Sugar Stars: 5
Difficult levels: 7537, 7538, 7541, 7543, 7546
Tricky Levels: 7541, 7542, 7543, 7547, 7548
Five star levels: 8/15 (7536, 7537, 7539, 7540, 7542, 7545, 7548, 7549, 7550)
Four star levels: 7541, 7547
Three star levels: 7538, 7543, 7544, 7546
Two star levels: 7537
Less than 10 moves left after passing level: 7
More than 10 moves left after passing level: 8
Pre-game Boosters definitely presents an advantage. Though I achieved 15 first time passes, the levels were mainly somewhat difficult. Levels that were not rated, proved to be hard. The rated once was as indicated. At least 4 boards opened with CB Combo and W&SC for most of the other levels. LH and FS were mainly used to create combos.
Converting Golden Crowns to Sugar Stars were again difficult. Replayed a few levels after completing the episode, no luck. Fortunately 13 Sugars Stars was enough to win the competition
Level 7536 was relatively easy and the next level was NHL, followed by a HL. This can be disheartening on players, especially if you struggled with the previous one, only to be confronted with another NHL or HL. My opinion.
Level 7537 with 27 moves. NHL 3 x UFO, 1 X LH. First UFO misfired. 3 locked keys at bottom presented with problems. Using UFO too early will not target the bottom blockers. Once all keys are collected, there are Rainbow Twists on bother sides that blocks the fruit. First UFO did not target. 4 hits are needed to remove it so it was best to leave it until 2 hits were left. .CB and SC became useful and can be created, but with care. Locked 4 layered frosting was the other major obstacle. Completed with 1 move left, but at a cost. Too few moves to my liking. Level initially started with 30 moves and was reduced to 27.
Level 7538 with 28 moves. HL. Used FS to create a CB & WC combo. BG, RT, FF. Quite tricky, blockers not easy to remove, use special candies to clear and feed FF. Complete level with last move
Level 7541 with 28 moves. Bubblegum blockers is key. Managed to create CB Combo without a booster, halfway through. Covered and locked keys. RT's, 3 & 5 layered frostings at bottom with keys makes level very tricky. This was not a graded level, and was difficult. CB Combo definitely prevented possible use of UFO. Passed with 3 moves left
Level 7543 with 33 moves. Game opened with CB Combo. BG, 1,2&3 Frostings. Half the frostings were covered. 9 special candy drops. Candies dropped very irregular and not always the desired stripes. Had to create a few special candies, which cost moves. Had to use FS in the end to create another CB Combo. Passed with 3 moves left. Would probably have failed without combos. Not a rated level, but was hard
Level 7544 with 31 moves. Quite a few options to start with. Very tricky level with locked and covered keys and Rainbow Twirls. CB drop, but locked. Took a while to do all the unlocking and unblocking. Level not rated, but was quite difficult. Used LH with 2 moves left, else it would have been a fail. Completed with 1 move left.
Level 7546 with 35 moves. Rated HL. 3, 4 & 5 locked Frostings and Popcorn, RT, BG, blockers. SF & Layered Sugar Coat drops. Hard and very tricky. Bubblegum was helpful with Popcorn, except the bottom right. Not paying attention cost me a LH. With two moves left and one icing to clear, I used the LH, only to see afterwards that it was a 5 layer icing. Used UFO. Stubborn icing makes level very hard. Level completed with one move left. Sugar Stars on this level.
Level 7547 with 32 moves. Tricky, with Licorice, Rainbow Twirls with 1-5 layers, 2&4 layered icing blockers. Locked fruit and tricky maze once fruit is unlocked, makes the level difficult to negotiate. Key drop takes ages. Two special candy drops are helpful. With almost all jellies cleared, the last key had not dropped. 16 moves left, the fourth key dropped. Conveyor has to be cleared for every fruit to drop. Minimum 4 moves if candies are favourable. Nervy moments with 8 moves left and fruit not dropping, and one stubborn jelly. Lucky break with CB and special candies dropping and forming. Close shave with 4 moves left. Missed Sugar Stars. Replayed 5 times without boosters and succeeded on fifth attempt with Sugar Stars.
I'm so grateful for your feedback Candy Crushers!! @Peter_Tornaros @Scooterpie @Albert_Heinrich
Your detailed summary of levels and episodes rating it's fantastic @Albert_Heinrich. It is not only super useful for me and our Level designers team, but also for our community members that would like to have an overview and understanding of the levels ahead!
Really appreciated guys.