Quiero mi antiguo juego
Quiero mi antiguo saga
I need your help!
"I'm getting an error message saying 'The time is set too far in the future' intermittently on my computer, and I can't play Candy Crush Saga. I have to reinstall the game to fix it. Why does this happen?" "I usually play Candy Crush Saga on my computer, but the screen is vertical, which makes it less immersive. Why can't…
I lost my progress in the game, I was at the 2,000 level and little. How do I recover?
Weekend Sales
Why do some players get the weekend sale offers and not others ? I usually get them all but the last 2 days I haven’t, yet my daughter has got them on her game. Both using iPhone. Game is updated.
2402 no puedo
Login access
can we change login access Facebook to gmail
Why did the developers,or whoever, that designed this game not want it to be fun? Do they think playing the same level for two weeks is fun? I sure wish that somebody has an answer for this.
Nadie me da vidas...
Algun amigo/a q me de vidas?
رسائل مع الاشخاص
How can I connect with my game please the game just stop in level 76 please
this what the game saying please