Seasonal events
It's 9 days into October. Will these seasonal events (especially Spooky Dash and Trick or Treat, both of which are supposed to be active this month) ever return?
New version on mobile and Windows 10
When will the new version come out? It's been a long 5 weeks since the last update.
A note to you regarding Flash version
Dear King, I am writing this message to request you to extend the Flash version, because not all players have high performance browsers to gain access to levels past 2825. Players/users should give the chance to play those further levels while the new format (HTML5) is not supported on older browsers. Imagine a player…
Episode backgrounds
It's been about two years and well, the "reused background" issue remains unresolved. 23 backgrounds out of 317 released episodes are fine, which is 7.26%. The ones in Candy Crush Soda Saga are way clearer than this but there are only fewer reused ones which is composed of 10.5% at most. Imagine a user playing level 4131,…
Error code -1
"Candy Crush Jelly Saga" is already installed on this device. When I tried updating the app, a silly error appeared. Please fix that mess.
I tried to post a note about the extension for Flash yesterday, but...
I tried to post a note about extending the journey after episode 189 on Flash yesterday, but it was held by an "awaiting moderation" notice which likely prevented the question from posting. This sometimes makes me annoying. Let's recall the things they're found within the post: there are players who don't have the access…
Loading issues
It stuck at 4% loading bar. Even if I cleared the cache, it didn't help. Fix this ASAP.
1438 and up
I thought new levels come out every two weeks. This time they don't come out, since it's been two weeks. Is there a problem?
1431 and up
Usually there will be new levels every week, why there's no new levels for this week? I checked like 500 times.
Weekly updates
Will the one-week release of new levels continue? Will the game reach 1500 regular levels?