How can I ask a friend for help - like helping a friend but in reverse?
How can I ask a friend for help - like helping a friend but in reverse?
How do I help someone who is stuck? Where's my profile
How do I help someone who is stuck? Where's my profile?:
How do I help someone who is stuck?
where is my profile? Is that the way to help someone?
Extra Lives
Why do I get the message 'Extra Lives Added' when they obviously haven't been?
'Your so close'
I'm on level 3127 where 3 gummy dragons must be released. It really irks me to be told I'm so close when I haven't even got one! It's patronizing, so stop it.
Stupid Messages
Do you know what really annoys me? It's being told, repeatedly, that I am 'so close' when I'm obviously miles away! Stop these stupid messages, I know when I'm close - it's called the score!
Contact Player
How can I contact a player to thank them for giving me lives?
Lost Position
I was on level 2563 (ish) after much of a struggle to get there; I also had loads of iives donated by others. My email is Edited by CM:⛔️ That’s too much personal information - Check our House Rules. and I logged into this form as mnopq to ask a question. When I logged into the game again it started from scratch, so I…
Thank You
I don't know how to contact other players of Candy Crush Saga, but just in case she reads it, thank you Pauline for giving me lives. KR Barrie
Lost connection
I reported some time ago that I had lost connection on level 2037 in CCSaga. Someone pointed out this was a perennial problem A moderator suggested a course of action whic, because of the lost connection, could not be implemented. Now, my understanding of a moderator is a 'trustee' ie someone very experienced but not on…