My login bonus
I had a streak of logging into candy crush at 350 days straight. I get a new phone, sign into my profile and now I'm back at day one!! I spend a lot of money to maintain that and I'm very upset about it...
About done playing this pay to win game.
The more that I play this game,the more that I see that it's a pay to win game. And quite frankly, I'm about done playing it. It's plain to see that most of the puzzles will require boosts,and if you don't get any from the events, you're s.o.l. Unless you spend money. It's fine and Dandy, and I have no problem with it. But…
Edited by CM: 🤔 Oops! Please repost in English
*Edited by CM: 🤔 Oops! Please repost in English so everyone can understand - Our House Rules
Edited by CM: 🤔 Oops! Please repost in English
*Edited by CM: 🤔 Oops! Please repost in English so everyone can understand - Our House Rules
5000 !
Hi Playing since May 2013 and just reach 5000 !!!!
Android no more Levels
I play candy crush soda saga on android and finished level 13300 and instead of a new level it ends there. No more new levels, just a red barrier hat. When I touch with the cursor it says "new content coming soon." ?Have you already had that? I would be happy to receive an answer. LG Malea
Did not get team ranking award
Hi, I played the cake event and reached the goal to move to the next ranking but I did not get my 3 hour fish reward. Please help.
This game is a rip-off
I was soo close!I had 6 more trys left and 3 good turns would've completed level. I had enough fish to get bubbles above candie rope. Everything I used fish they'd go for these solid spots instead of hitting candies to bring my bubbles above line! I wish I took a screen shot. That was ridiculous and soda sagas attempt to…
Has Shipmate stopped working?
I am in the middle of a game of shipment, but there has been No new ammunition collected by my shipmates for 2 days, and my opponent hasn't made new shots for over a day, maybe 36 hours either. My shipmates are fairly active/active players. That none of them have suddenly not completed pirate levels for 2 days seems very…
earned bottles
Taking ALL bottles for one loss makes earning them redundant.