Game play and fish
I did watch a video on YouTube. They were doing exactly what I was doing on the level, however their fish were going where they should go, while mine just hit random pieces, no fun. Going to check out for awhile.
Error downloading, please refresh the page
Has this glitch ever been figured out? It has been happening to me for a couple months now, but I read that it started a couple years ago and they were fixing on it. Someone tell me what I need to do to fix this, please.
Level 3053
Just wanted to send a shout out to the developers of level 3053. Fun level! Has my favorite purple jelly beans and the surprise of having the candies change direction for the last two screens was also fun! I only managed one star, but it’s the kind of level I will want to replay to improve my score.
Round candy boosters
Why is it that every time I get a colorful ball or a ball that turns everything the same color they always explode before I get the chance to use them. It’s so irritating and aggravating. Ugh.
Who else feels good giving other players lives?.
No booster Ads
hi I have not been able to receive booster ads and I’m at level 260 and my wife is playing it as well but she gets all the boosters and also she plays against a bat which I have never seen. I logged into game through her Facebook on my iPad Pro and it looks like it’s linked to her account But when I logged into my account…
iPhone 11 Pro Max and lack of Vibrations
I loved the vibrations on my previous iPhone. Just upgraded to a new iPhone 11 Pro Max and now the soda saga game won’t vibrate no matter what I do or settings I set. Is this a bug that’s specific to the iPhone 11 Pro Max??
i love this game
The race
I don’t want to be race because I hate it and it’s boring in the race and no one is helping me to get out of the race and how do I get out of the race and because it is not good
Game freeze after buying moves
Twice now I have purchased extra moves in candy crush soda and had the game freeze. The bars or. Coins were deducted from my account but I couldn't continue the game. Very aggravating