How can you get more live
Lost my level
I lost My level today, I played for years, my level is around 2149. I was continue playing for over 113 days this time. I just finished today’s half hour unlimited games, then my screen was frozen, I get out the game then go back in again, not working, then I found I back yo level one. I turn my phone on off couple times,…
Ways to earn boosters and gold bars
How many ways are there to earn boosters and gold bars? Can someone give me any tips please
Lost my level
I lost my level. I have been playing over 3 years and my level is 2149
Last time that I bought points for $99.99 I bought them not knowing that our electrical company PG&E was going to be turning off our power. The power was lost for wed. and Thurs, two days, and I didn't get to play my points. That is not fair!!. I paid $99.99 for almost nothing. I got to use the points for just one day. I…
Daddy loves and misses you a whole lot
Fun Game
THIS Game Is Fun BUT Some Lvl Are Difficult BUT I Love THIS Game No Matter WHAT,
Level Redesign
When I went to my “go to” easy level to complete my Mr. Toffee tasks, SURPRISE! The beginning levels have been redesigned again. From what I can tell, this time the redesign is at least the first four episodes—I think more but I can’t say for sure. Anyone else have those new levels?
Why is the game SO Jerky??? It takes about 10 minutes to play a game????
Why is the game SO Jerky??? It takes about 10 minutes to play a game???? This started when the black screen problem was resolved. Please speed the game back up to be able to play!!
Bubble gum hill
Why od there no bubble gum Hill game?