Bakery won't open
I m in team 304160868 but my bakery never opens. Can you allow me access?
Why am I not getting my cake tower gifts?
Went into cake and a tower was clear clicked on the gift that I received it played and passed another tier clicked to receive gift and did not receive either gift and also on the daily quest I started out with the two fish after noticing I wasn’t getting cake tower gifts my daily gift changed from fish to the hard candy…
I changed my email, I want to keep my progress, I do not want to lose my progress. How can I keep it
I have a new email. I need to keep my progress. How do I keep my progress with my new email
Yeti’s Challenge
I was participating in Yeti’s Challenge and was just dropped off AFTER winning level 6799. Why was I bumped off? I should have continued on the challenge.
Bear Climb with a timer of zero
Hello! In the game, the Bear Climb event appeared, but for some reason, it started with a timer of zero, and I couldn’t play it. Will this event be launched again? What is its duration, and has it been in the game before? I saw it for the first time and I am very puzzled by its sudden appearance. Thank you for your…
Wats your native place
Bakery opens soon
Bakery never opens. It's been like this for weeks. I even tried changing teams to see if that would work, but it hasnt
Daily bonus
The game said i missed a day and started over from yesterday and I was playing yesterday so I don't know why this keeps happening. But this glitch needs to be fixed.
Missing rewards
I have been playing this game for many years. Last week I won the weekly contest and also gained three badges for winning three consecutive weeks. But no rewards were received. This is very frustrating and as this is not the first time this has happened feel very disappointed and wonder if this is the game I want to play