The game keeps crashing
This is the second day in this week the has crashed and I lose my awards
Says a skipped day incorrectly
I keep having a problem with both candy crush and candy crush soda. I get to a point and then it says I skipped a day when I didn't, then makes me start over. This has happened a few times with each game I don't know what glitch is causing it.
What's wrong with the Candy Crush Soda store ?
I tried buying extra lives, with the credits available, I had 1 bear left , I made sure I was online , even minimized my window, but nothing worked,I took screen shots
When I buy packs but I don't get the gold bars with it,why?
When I buy packs I don't get the bars, why?
Invite my friend to my Team
Hi guys, I created a Team and I have 2 friends already in it. I am trying to invite a third one and can’t remember how and do not find any button to invite… On the teams screen I just have a “active teams” button…
Ich kann den Spielstand nicht auf das neue Telefon übertragen trotz speichern bei Facebook
Kenapa selalu sedang offline padahal ada kuota
Kenapa kalau mau mengambil bonusnya selalu ada kata kata anda sedang offline
Jeux candy
Je me suis connectée à King, maintenant je devrais pouvoir avoir accès à mes récompenses. Je suis allée voir Candy Crus Soda et on me dit toujours que je ne suis pas connectée. Est-ce que les problèmes que j'ai, ne viendrait pas du Jeux?
What this page for
What this page for
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