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This morning I passed 6 or 7 levels but my weekly total stayed at 15. It is working now but those levels never showed up in the count. Also the hats from one of those extra games with the bakery are not showing up.
Why does the mega color bomb disappear even if I haven’t lost the level? Had the color bomb when I went to bed, woke up and it’s gone.
For the last couple of days I have noticed that I am getting game hints but there is nothing to make a 3 match? Shouldn't there be 2 yellow candies in close proximity so that I can move the fish to make the match? I am playing the cake in my team so I can't even say what level it is. I am tagging @LoFiGummy, @Yosca,…
Merci d'intervenir afin que l'accès à la pâtisserie soit possible, depuis au moins 1 mois rien ne s'ouvre
Can i play on my Android phone i am playing on Face book How do i do such a thing
I hope that I'll be a good member here
Does anyone earn something from playing this game linked to PayPal account
W. T. F. There is this square there. You have to collect 5 bears but it doesn’t allow you to get more than 2. Lost my streak! Using a lot of bars to continue when the game is faulty.
I have been trying to purchase gold bars in order to keep my progress. It has said contacting for 3 days. What am I supposed to do?
I lost my progress I’m mad
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