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New feature - Mr Toffee's Fair!



  • mercerik
    mercerik Posts: 3,617
    I asked a question yesterday as a new discussion, but no one cares, or seems to among the volunteers. I just would like to know what it means to be a volunteer. Does anyone know something about them? Are they a bit like interns? What is the difference between a volunteer and a frequent poster, like mercerik with almost a thousand posts?
    Or to ask it another way, what does it bring them to be called volunteers? do they do it for fame here, or are there other rewards?
    I did not even know they existed. 


    Hi Anne! 

    I am sure everybody here cares about your question. It just so happened that it was a busy Mother's Day Weekend where everyone spent time with their families. 

    I joined this Community early this year. I like interacting with people. I like sharing things that I know about the King Games, and I like resolving some issues once in a while and also finding new friends in the process. 

    As for postings, you start with one, two or three. In time, they accumulate and before you know it, you're close to a thousand. You could also join some fun on Off Topic Games. This is where you comment and have some fun at the same time.

    If you know something about certain Game Issues posted by some members, don't hesitate to opine. Who knows, your comments might resolve someone's problem?

    Hey, don't be a stranger! Have fun with us!

  • boxer6
    boxer6 Posts: 92

    Level 3

    Wonder if any of those techs played the game after terrible changes. Doubt it 
  • Anne_Martin
    Anne_Martin Posts: 300
    edited May 2019
    Funny, it looks like 90% of the posters are women. I did not think it was so.
    I don't believe the mods like Xarly play, as he/she made some comments showing he does not know the finesses of it. The changes have modified the whole system, and I'd like to know if anyone still enjoys it. I don't.
    Xarly, tell me what to do when Mr Stupid overdoes himself with nonsensical tasks impossible and totally moronic. like, use a hammer 3 times. Could you give us some info too about the reasons behind those changes?

    (Edited by CM: Off-Topic. If you wish to talk about anything else than Mr Toffee's fair, make a separate thread for it)
  • Thanks for the update @Xarly.  FYI the problem with not receiving the rewards isn’t just happening with Facebook.  I play on an iPhone and haven’t received any of the wrapped candies I’ve been awarded.  I appreciate your offer to replace them, but quite honestly, as rewards go, they really aren’t worth the bother.  Now if it was one of the lollipops (plain or striped), a fish, or a switch, that would be a different story.  😄
  • ahmedamr
    ahmedamr Posts: 7

    Level 2

    I broke down and used the hand switch and it disappeared from my inventory.  So either I was mistaken about having one before I selected that tile or I didn’t get the “free” one.  The reward was a striped lollipop and 1 hour of color bomb.  Fortunately I had won a Bubblegum Hill so I had enough lives to put the color bomb time to good use.  But, it took 6 days of play between me and my teammates to accomplish this.  Earn rewards faster with Mr. Toffee—not true.  Potentially a player could complete 18 quests in that same time frame.  

    Xarly, you asked for suggestions.  Here are mine
    1.  Eliminate the two ticks per day limit.
    2.  Let players know what reward they are playing for.  
    3.  IF you must include passing levels, either let people play old levels, or make the requirement any level instead of a specific type of level, or make it accumulating new stars.
    4.  Bring back the quests for everyone.
    I completely AGREE. VERY DISAPPOINTING feature!!!!!! No help from teammates. Cannot reset board until 14 days!!!!!
  • Anne_Martin
    Anne_Martin Posts: 300
    I'll try to explain why I miss the old game. I've not spoken with others, but would not be surprised if my feelings were shared by most of the players.

    It was a free game which made you use your brain and think. Of course, it always was a bit rigged, but you could see from early on you would not pass the level, the tiles were not set properly. Other times, you knew you had a chance if you played cleverly. And it made you think... If I make this move, what happens? 
    Now, you win because the game gives it to you. The perfect example are all those levels where you need a soft and a hard one together. As long as you don't get it, the level is impossible... And you cannot control the place your hard and soft fall, even if you buy them or won them a long time ago. But there are a lot more examples of manipulation. Many levels will only be passed after 50 or 100 tries, and it is frustrating. 
    It makes me feel we have lost any control over the game and I dislike it a lot.

    When I pass a level, I used to be glad and a bit proud. I did the right moves, I was smart. Now, I feel the game has been pleasant with me, or very nasty when you are left with a last tile impossible to reach. Or at least, to reach without boosters...

    With the quests, you would win boosters. Hammers, hands, lollypops, and refill your double fish, hard and soft ones. Of course, it implied spending time repeating "good" levels, but it was worth it,  because of the boosters and because it was a part you decided, you controlled the game. Create 150 wrapped candy or collect 8000 blue, orange and green is long, but you know what to do, it gave me a good feeling, I was doing something useful! When a hard level was awfully frustrating, I would tell myself that, at least, I was getting my required candies. Now? now I stop and quit playing.
    What happened? It began when Activision bought King, obviously. The numbers of moves allowed were cut down drastically, the blockers increased, the levels just got harder. A good player could still get a complete set of boosters in 2 days, roughly. With the boosters, you would pass those super hard levels, win free time, work to get your new boosters, etc. Today, without boosters, you won't go much ahead, by lack of possibilities or lives.
  • Anne_Martin
    Anne_Martin Posts: 300
    It is like a different game, where the rewards we like have been slowly reduced. The space race has disappeared, the rewards got less frequent -48 hours instead of 6 once upon a time, no more hammers, etc.

    I've lost the enjoyment of playing, and that is the worse for such a game. Without boosters, it is too hard, too long, too boring. If you must play a level 100 times or more, it is not fun anymore. 

    It looks like Activision wants to change the game's clients, for a younger crowd, who will buy those famous boosters. But the young ones don't like those games, they much prefer Call of Duty or else and they don't have money to buy anything.
    To play Soda now, no need to think too much, what matters is the gods' mood, not your skills. The same trend is to be observed on Candy Crush Friends or the new Pet Rescue, with impossible levels until the game helps.

    My anger and frustration are receeding, I've found other games and there are much worse things in life. But I will regret Soda...
  • PurplePants
    PurplePants Posts: 41

    Level 3

    Xarly said:
    Hi everyone,

    I would like to address a few points and make things clear:

    • Stay on-topic. The topic here is Mr Toffee's Fair. If you wish to talk about anything else, do it in a different thread. From now on, messages that are not speaking about the purpose of this thread, will be edited or removed according to our house rules.
    • That said, I'd like to make some points clear before going back to the main topic, Mr Toffee's fair:  

    • 1.- King is not Activision. King works as an own independent company, as per usual, and is just part of the group of ABK  (Activision Blizzard King). Let's please speak with knowledge and not just basing things on assumptions.
    • 2.- Nobody here is trying to kill the game. Soda has been around for 5 years and the team works hard to keep it going for 5 more. Mr. Toffee's Fair is just a brand new feature that is still being tested. I gave, give and will give all  of your feedback as it is back to the team. As honest and transparent as you yourself provide it. That is my job. The studio's job is to run the game while taking all of the information they have into account. Please be mindful and understand how things go before attacking.
    • 3.- If you are angry, frustrated or annoyed, please take a break. Mr Toffee's Fair is just one of the different features in Soda. Playing it is not a must in order to progress but I understand that quests were a much better feature for the community, which is feedback that I do pass on. We do video games here, and you are playing a video game. This is meant to be fun. If it's not for you, just take a break or play any other of our games. The whole point of playing a game is to have fun doing so.
    • 4.- Insults will never be allowed. I don't mind if it's in a sarcastic, subtle, cynical or direct way. Under no circumstances will any insult towards another person be allowed here. You can criticise a feature and give feedback (which is the purpose of this thread) but you cannot attack other people. I will not tolerate any of it in this Community and those being disrespectful, offensive or insulting towards others will be sanctioned accordingly. Please, let's be mature enough to criticise something without having to be disrespectful to other human beings. I expect that from this community.
    And now, please let's go back to the reason of this thread:

    • @LizzyLemondrop - Thanks for the reports. I will take a look at how the collection system works and will follow up with the team. My assumption is that only one counts per level, but even then, I personally agree that it shouldn't work that way (that's just my personal take though). Regarding your other question about dropping a task, it will reset the count of it back to zero.
    • The team has verified issues with rewards when playing on Facebook and are working on a fix that should come live hopefully today or throughout this very same week. As mentioned previously, if you missed any reward, please send me a private message with the reward and your player ID and I will grant those to you myself.
    • I can only inform of what I know. If I remain silent is because I have no updates, as simple as that. I cannot come every day to update you all, because these things take time in a game that has millions of players coming in every day. It's not black or white and it's not easy.
    I hope all of this makes sense and gets some of the key messages across. Now, back to talking about Mr. Toffee's Fair here. If you wish to speak about anything else, make a thread and people will reply if they decide to do so.


    Thank you for the update. Was wondering how long the Team plans on testing Mr.Toffee?
  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429
    Hi Guys!

     Could you please enlighten me?

     Mr. Toffeee is Candy Crush right? Only Mr. Toffee is always in candy soda.

     Only then I do not see him. Is very confusing for me !!

     I can still have a say in soda, but not in Candy Crush anymore.

     Since I have already made this journey long ago without this community.


  • PurplePants
    PurplePants Posts: 41

    Level 3

    Spinnifix said:
    Hi Guys!

     Could you please enlighten me?

     Mr. Toffeee is Candy Crush right? Only Mr. Toffee is always in candy soda.

     Only then I do not see him. Is very confusing for me !!

     I can still have a say in soda, but not in Candy Crush anymore.

     Since I have already made this journey long ago without this community.


    As far as I know, Mr. Toffee is only in Candy Crush Soda

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?