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Why are awarded prizes disappearing?

nadiaraei Posts: 4

Level 1

The prizes disaooeared after the update


  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,545
    Hi @nadiaraei, what prizes are you referring to?  Are you playing on a mobile device because the rewards are only saved to that device so any updates or crashes can cause you to lose them.  Were they for a specific event? 
  • nadiaraei
    nadiaraei Posts: 4

    Level 1

    Well i mean when you collect candies you get prize
    i play on same mobile and after the update it just disappeared i can only see at the right side overview
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,545
    Hi @nadiaraei are you referring to an event such as Bubblegum Hill which would show up on the left side when it's available?
  • nadiaraei
    nadiaraei Posts: 4

    Level 1

    I mean the one with medal sign 
  • Yosca
    Yosca Posts: 17,879

    Mine has been disappeared today as well. I didn’t had an update and playing on ipad.
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,545
    Hi @Yosca,

    Please note that the gift boxes are working as intended. It is an event and is not meant to be there permanently, it comes and goes.  Thank you for your feedback and although this is a nice-to-have, it is not meant to always be there.

  • Yosca
    Yosca Posts: 17,879
    edited March 2019
    Elsa said:
    Hi @Yosca,

    Please note that the gift boxes are working as intended. It is an event and is not meant to be there permanently, it comes and goes.  Thank you for your feedback and although this is a nice-to-have, it is not meant to always be there.

    I don’t mean the gift boxes. It’s the golden medal with the star in it. It was always there and I don’t see that as an event.
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,545
    Is this what you mean? 

  • Yosca
    Yosca Posts: 17,879
    edited March 2019
    No. See the picture. At right above you see first the golden medal with the star. Now, the golden medal is gone (see my earlier picture).

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,545
      Here is a print screen that i just did with the game.  Ok something is going on because after I did this I went into the second one which is not showing in your game correct?  I did a print screen to find out what it's for.  It's an overview of your game.   But I just went back in to check and I am now missing the star one!  Look at the second picture.  I only have the overview and the new event - Mr. Toffee's Fair.  The studio must be working on the game today and making changes.


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