Update on the Bubblegum Hill
I did the log out and play one level thing and BGH was on the one where I started over but when I logged back into my profile no BGH. So I guess they are screwing the people who have been playing the game since Candy Crush Soda started and has spent tons of money. So I guess you can only get ut if you start over. (Edit by CM: Capital Letters-shouting)
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- 😪 Jj Jj Jj
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Listen to this I dif the log out and play 1 level thing and the BGH was on the game when I logged out and started over on level 1. So I played the 1 level and logged back into my profile and no BGH that makes me so mad. I guess they're screwing the people who've been playing since start of CCSS anf that has spent tons of money There's no way they are still testing. They are not gonna let new players be testers cause they don't know the difference or any changes. So I guess if you don't have it by now we won't get it again.
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Ya know I've had a pretty crappy week. I was really hoping to wake up this morning and see bubblegum hill. That would've made it not so bad. But here we are, another week without it 🙄
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Thank you
it’s been long since I had bgh too
don’t know what to say or do
why are they doing this to us players
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It has been months since BGH. Just not playing as much.
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Great, I'm at the paint bucket(so no new levels), NO Bubblegum Hill (haven't had it for months), no Kimmy's Arcade, but I do have Mr. Toffee's Fair! Whoop-T-Do!
Nice job King.
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LolaPop why you don’t say as usual that we’re in a test group? Because now everyone understands that King simply ignores our questions and doesn’t do anything to resolve the issue
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I don’t know if it’s just me, but when Bubblegum Hill returned after it’s lengthy time away - it’s not as much fun as it was before. I play it for (maybe) 15 minutes, then I go somewhere else to amuse myself. Is anyone else unhappy with the new/improved version?