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Update on the Bubblegum Hill



  • mweh
    mweh Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Hi, can you tell me why I don’t get the bubblegum hill? My wife is playing on a different device and she gets it. Best regards.

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,742

    Welcome to Sweet King Community! 👑

    You can see Community Team answer that I hope you can understand to read it :

    Why don't I have a new challenge but my friend does?

    If you don't have a challenge but your friend does, don't worry - you won't be missing out.

    At King, we are constantly looking for ways to make our games more fun, interactive and challenging. Whenever we create a new feature, we always like to test it with a small group of players first, to make sure that they like it as much as we do. To do this we always have a randomly selected group of players test the feature and, based on their feedback, decide whether it's something we want to roll out to all our players or not.  

    Once the testing has taken place, we'll roll it out so more people can play it. However, due to the huge community of our players whom we love, we sometimes have to split it up to make it manageable and accessible. Millions of players in an event at any time is a lot of work, so we split it up into groups so we can keep it running and you have a better chance of accessing it.

    We appreciate it may be frustrating if your friends have a feature that you don't, but it's highly likely you'll be getting it very soon and bear in mind that when you do have an event or challenge, it's possible your friends won't have it this time.  

    Keep an eye out for the latest updates to the game to ensure you benefit from all the new levels and features that we release on a regular basis. 

    If you want to win gold bars on this game, you can click here to join and answer on this game's contests that you can chance to win gold bars. 😊

    Have a sodalicious day! 🥤

  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477

    @mweh Hi and welcome, BGH is a bonus feature and is not available to everyone. It is given to groups of randomly selected people so this just means your not in that group at present but you could be again in the future.

    To make sure you are getting the features available to you regularly check your game is up to date and also if playing via a internet browser clear your cache, log out and restart your device , then log back in. This will ensure you getting the best from the game

    Thank you

  • aijaziqbal
    aijaziqbal Posts: 8,884

    Hi and welcome to the community.

    BGH is still in test phase. And is only provided to a selection of small group of players randomly by the system. It is not available to everyone (including me).

    Studios are monitoring its progress and once satisfied may be launched on bigger scale. But all the bonus features are like this. They may appear, disappear or simply be replaced any time.

    Always keep your game up to date and hopefully you will get this feature.


  • Yosca
    Yosca Posts: 17,879

    Hello everyone. We had a lot of issues with BGH and the Studio decided to take BGH away temporarily. Right now, a small group of players has BGH back to test. I hope we all get it back soon 🙏🏻

  • DieOmimi
    DieOmimi Posts: 42,568

    Hello Together, I just went into my game briefly to see if I needed to do anything or if another player worked a tile at Mr. Toffee. Suddenly the chewing gum mound appeared and I could even play it.

    Finally, after over 9 months! It was probably a long birth...

    However, he has a time schedule, he is only with me for 13 hours.

  • ElenaVorona
    ElenaVorona Posts: 1,884

    ipete, until you change the gadget, you won't get anything.

    Sorry for being blunt.

    I had the same story with a tablet. He hasn't accepted anything new for many months. I log into the game on my tablet 1-2 times a month. Just out of curiosity. Nothing changes there. Empty.

  • Yosca
    Yosca Posts: 17,879

    But @ElenaVorona I always had BGH on my iPad. Since the glitches and BGH was taken away from everyone, I haven’t got it back. I do think it’s a random group of players... but also noticed many players have BGH, regarding the screenshots in another thread...

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0


    thank you. i know you are trying to help.❤️ i tried diff devices already...PC , tablet, and mobile devices. nothing change for me. i think it has to do with my profile. what might change (i think) is to stop playing for extended of 3-4 months. But i don't want to do that yet.

  • ellen69
    ellen69 Posts: 61

    Level 3

    Just start with a new account, within 2 months on level 2500 and I have BGH😂😂😂

    We Will never receive BGH again, all the talkie talkie about group A and B😡

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