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Update on the Bubblegum Hill



  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0


    Yes, energy thing is garbage.

    about not able to play 🤔 have you try standard troubleshooting procedures? Logout, clear cache, turn off device, restart and log back in. Maybe that will knock some sense into BGH troll. 🤣🤣🤣

  • mfnpa
    mfnpa Posts: 39

    Level 3

    edited May 2021

    latest 'deal' of the day ... for the paltry price of only 50 gold bars you can obtain 200 energy bars! now, lets do the math ... by earning 1 gold bar every 20 hours it would take how long to obtain the needed price to play an additional 2 games????? why not just take everybody out of their misery and remove the game altogether, as this appears to be the desired end game.

  • Chakra
    Chakra Posts: 193

    Thank God BGH I ending tomorrow. Please don't bring that back for heavens life was peaceful otherwise

  • Chakra
    Chakra Posts: 193

    Playing one time per day is as good as not playing at all. The person who designed this version should be awarded with " Innovator of the year award"...🤣🤣

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0


    Look like I won’t be seeing BGH for awhile ☹️ Have to wait until this bear brawl feature to be over. So SAD 😓

    3 weeks!!!!!

  • Brazzie
    Brazzie Posts: 60

    Not worth the effort any more - the almighty “Studio” has completely ruined this game 🤨

  • Mike_Branch
    Mike_Branch Posts: 23

    Level 3

    Another day, Another week, Another month.....and probably another Year without BGH.

    I know, clear cache, update.....blah blah......that does nothing.

    Played for years in the past every week without any issue.

    BGH team has not been honest with the players over the "covid" times.....i.e. when you ruined a perfectly good game for so many about 14 months or so back.

    Sad, so many have asked so many questions without one tangible answer over this time. That speaks more about the BGH programming team/ leadership than about anyone, the players.

    BGH team: Look in the mirror and say, "Hey you, you should be better than this"

  • Chakra
    Chakra Posts: 193

    @ipete ...bear brawl is taking freaking 50 hrs to replenish full energy...more over we get points only if we play bear brawl as most of the tasks are related to bear brawl...its a catch22 situation...but naaaah I'm not going buy gold bars...thanks and yeah BGH has taken the back seat...but honestly BGH V.2 allows you to play only once in a day

  • Chakra
    Chakra Posts: 193

    * we get points in Spring time mystery

  • Chakra
    Chakra Posts: 193

    That's it folks...I'm done

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