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Update on the Bubblegum Hill



  • Gumyupawpaw
    Gumyupawpaw Posts: 2,004

    I know what you mean, I keep getting 1 goldbar after spending so many to play, not like the other day, I got 70 and 74 goldbars .

  • 2easy
    2easy Posts: 282

    This new bubblegum hill from where sun never sunshine.

    To me playing less and less this good game (what this was) and soon or later start chears new game what it is not make Zynga or King.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0


    Ughhhhh! Me too, I was only able to collect just 1 gold bar each time on these latest two versions of BGH. What changed? 🤷‍♂️🙄

  • 2easy
    2easy Posts: 282

    I got it about last month versions 2x 100 gold bar.

    That was good to me??!! No. Waiting 12 to 14 hours for new King In the hill.

    My point is still " when I am lucky and get bubblegum hill on the weekend. I want play that hill, many times /day. Not wait energy or new kings if levels are not 2easy to all."

    And that 6 hammer was great reward.. Better than 6 GB?! Maybe 🤫

    Picture from old good time ❤️

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0


    Yes @2easy I want the same thing. 6 hammers for each time on the throne and not paying to play multiple times a day. Those were the good old days. Please bring it back.

  • Cece322
    Cece322 Posts: 26

    Level 3

    Anyone else think the amount of gold given per hour has gone down dramatically in the last day? I was on the throne for almost 10 hours and got 33 gold. 10 hours would have gotten me 100 gold just a couple days ago. Not complaining about getting 33....but that also means a lot less payout for every time someone wins.

  • wessam35249540
    wessam35249540 Posts: 5

    Level 2

    why I don’t have it till now ?

  • Gumyupawpaw
    Gumyupawpaw Posts: 2,004

    You are right, I got 70 and 74 goldbars the other day, but now, all I get is 1 goldbar.

  • Mike_Branch
    Mike_Branch Posts: 23

    Level 3

    Have not seen BGH for months now.......still miss it, but given having not had it for most of the last 15+ months.....I am sort of giving up.

  • HelenBackAgain
    HelenBackAgain Posts: 10

    Level 2

    It’s nice to finally have Bubblegum Hill again, but this “energy” thing is garbage. It was so much better when we could just use lives for it.

    And now I have more than 100 energy and Bubblegum Hill won’t open the first level. I won a bunch via Noble Path so it’s at 175, and I guess the system doesn’t understand that. So it’s there, but I can’t play it!

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