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Level 3
Am I the only one that seems to get crappy partners that start a task but don't finish?
I start to create lines, completing the harder tasks myself and leaving the easy ones for others (such as 100 red candies, etc) only to have someone start the 4th task needed for a complete line, but then not do it.
This is the norm for me often and I know its "just a game" but this game is based on *Solo* playing so I just think it's unfair to players that play their fair share.
Here's an example: I was the sole player that completed all 5 tasks on this board, starting 2 seperate lines because upper right corner got taken (aka blocked) and, surprise surprise, this is what happens:
Can't help but wonder if these supposed other human players are just bots that purposely interfere to prolong a player from completing challenges.
Or maybe its just my bad luck..
Thanks for letting me vent. 😒
I like that toffee's unfair 😂😂😂 that screenshot 🙄 I always call my teammates blockers most of the time. I also do the same as you, leave the easy tasks for teammates, oh I meant blockers. When I play, I always do a task and wait to see if blockers play or not before I play another task. If they are good teammates than I do the same roll/column. If they are blockers, then I avoid their roll/column. I hate when it takes more than 2 days to complete.
On a flip side, I had great teammates. I was able to completed 3 sets in one sitting. But that was rare.
Hello and welcome to our beautiful community
This is already known and I had already taken care of it!
Hi @iamleace @ipete @Spinnifix,
Here is my post from:
In answer to your question on tiles, yes if you completed at least 1 tile you should get the reward. If you are not, then need to contact "Support" on this. I will give you the info on this 1st, then a few points on "Mr. Toffee's Fair (MTF)".
Here is what you will need:
You can use the above link to contact support, or use the contact us thru the game.
Or you can contact our Player Support team from your game. Go to the settings cogwheel, click on the question mark, and select what you want done and they will be able to give you a solution!
Be sure to answer the automated response you get. I would say "Support" is backlogged now because of the virus. So expect "Delays".
As @Yosca has already pointed out a number of things for you, I'll just give a few more. It has been a common complaint about players tying up the board, by sitting on tiles. Makes it difficult to do or complete the 4 tiles needed to get your reward.
You get 2 choices on quests in 24 hours. Then can do 2 more. So, wait till around 11:30 pm or so, be sure you do 2 quests, then at around 12pm midnight, the clock resets so can do 2 more quests. This way you can knock out those 4 tiles right away. People are asleep at those hours, so the new board should or may not have players on it.
To do these quests, I suggest you go to the lower "Sprinkleshell" levels in the game. You will find it much easier to do, along with doing it faster.
Here is my post on those levels along with other things, at:
It is "Multi - Functional", let's you get everything done in the game, builds up your "Booster Count", so you can be prepared for anything in the game, along with doing the higher levels, when they are released.
So you have 2 quests before midnight done, 2 more quests after midnight, get reward, board resets, then do 2 more quests, you are done. Until the other 2 tiles get done. If done right with other players, who know the game, it can give you a nice streak on rewards.
Be sure your "Push Notification" button is checked off before you play "Soda". Let's you know if other players have done something for you, or too you. On "Win 10 Pro PC - Desktop App", it is on the opening screen, on the bottom left, it loads last, so wait on it. On wifi devices, sorry can't help you on that, I don't use them on gaming.
Your "Daily Bonus" is given around midnight. So have even more boosters you can use.
Hope this helps.
Thx & Welcome To The King Community - Origins7 Dale, 😀
Yes, @iamleace and @ipete . I have the same strategy and the same blockers. Maybe it’s our strategy why we get those boards? Most of the time I do my own thing, but also noticed when I did 2 tiles and working on the 3rd tile (next day of course) someone parked on the 4th tile and does nothing, just blocking. So I always keep on checking if another is really working on a tile, and I won’t complete a tile before I know the other has completed his. If not, I change my tile again and try to get my line. Keeps me busy..... Sometimes I need 3 days! to get a line 😩
Hi @Yosca @iamleace @ipete @Spinnifix,
Ok, let's say you get to Mr. Toffee's Fair (MTF), & the 2 other players are there sitting on titles. 2 things you can do. Click on them, see if they have started their quest. If not, "Avoid" them. If they have or 1 has, then can join the same line of quests they are on, assuming you can do the quests.
As you know, there are "New Level" quests listed here. We only get "New Levels" 1x a week on Fri. So if you are at the end of the game, can't do them, till then. Also, the other player might be at the end, of course if he or she is, knows better than to sit on tiles. But again, might have intended to do them, but got busy with say, things like "Support" issues here, or family things.
Just use the clock, as I mentioned above. Most of the time, you have the board to yourself. Midnight is when King resets things.
That is 6 quests total you can knock out. Very quickly on the "Sprinkleshell Levels".
Cyas Origins7 Dale, 😀
I deliberately wait until the other has ticked off the tile. Too many times I see they need to collect say 100 yellow and they stop at 60 or something. I can wait the whole day but if that tile isn’t finished yet I do another tile in another row. When I complete my row the other tile isn’t finished yet so that’s why I always wait until the team tile is completed. And I open the game the next morning, because I want to use my Daily Bonus with my new levels 😬 AND I need my beauty sleep and not staying up that late playing levels whole night 😇.
The problem at the toffee fair is not the players, but the game itself.
And regarding Toffee, I absolutely do not accept advice for a long time - reboot, go out, go in, update.
When the points earned by the team members are updated in my team, when I receive gold from BGH, and the Toffee Fair is not updated - this is not the absence of the Internet. This is the lack of a normal game code.