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Bake a Cake- no rewards/ event disappearing



  • Marybuchanan
    Marybuchanan Posts: 26

    Level 3

  • snavelyjm
    snavelyjm Posts: 1

    Level 1

  • Yosca
    Yosca Posts: 17,879

    Hello @snavelyjm Congratulations! You can claim your badge for baking the cake here:

    Click on “view post” make your comment with a screenshot in the thread and you’ll receive the badge!

  • Origins7_Dale
    Origins7_Dale Posts: 3,551
    edited November 2020

    Hi CM's @Lola_Pop @LadyRaffie @Yosca,

    Hi LOL Lollipops "Admin" @candycrushinit @Sofia1992 @Sweetice @Anrames @Pitty_Kitty @Crazyforfun @earmanja794 & Now "The Sweet Legend" @Werner_Cichy, & @Sharon_Loose, @giotaki @Glenn1972,

    *First on:

    For @snavelyjm - However, you need to post for your own team, that screenshot has my "Avatar" in it, & is from the LOL Lollipops, which is also posted on *Page 1, on the link @Yosca gave you above. Wonder why we are so popular, @Pitty_Kitty found 2 others there, trying to do the same thing, with that post.

    For @sunshinenraes go to link @Yosca gave above. Post your screenshot of the "Bake A Cake" your team did there, for "Badge".

    For @Marybuchanan same for you also, link above please.

    For our "Newbies". Always best to read *Page 1 "First" of any thread, forum, discussion, contest, etc... so you know what it is about, along with what to do. This way you post in the right place, & get what you are entitled to. Thx.


    Ok, here is another "False Message", this time in "Soda Squad Team App" in "Chat". Just got it, also a first for me on this, at least in "Chat". It is "False", or I wouldn't be able to post this screenshot. Rarely, am I disconnected, & when it does happen, it is a reboot of the Modem / Gateway by Comcast / Xfinity, that only last a few mins., mostly very late or after midnight.

    • Soda Squad Team - False Message In Chat - No Internet Connection - On 11/27/2020 - CCSS - Origins7 Dale

    • Does anyone else on our team, have or getting this "Message in Chat"?
    • Also, are you "Connected" or not?

    It is 4:40 PM (PST) in USA. This happened about 5-10 mins. ago. Just to give "Support" a reference point.

    Might wait now, on doing the 30 New Levels Released today for "Soda". Want the team to get the points, on the "Chests", but King might be having "Game Server Issues" right now. Or a "Game Server" in the Network, they have arrangements with, might be having issues.

    Until the next "False".

    Cyas Teammates - Origins7 Dale, 😀


  • LemonTheCat
    LemonTheCat Posts: 3

    Level 1

    I got the pop-up about the cake, but no way to bake it, and no way to play! It's just not there. Also I LOVE CAKE! 😭

  • Origins7_Dale
    Origins7_Dale Posts: 3,551
    edited November 2020

    Hi CM's @Lola_Pop @LadyRaffie @Yosca,

    Hi LOL Lollipops "Admin" @candycrushinit @Sofia1992 @Anrames @Pitty_Kitty @Crazyforfun @earmanja794 & Now "The Sweet Legend" @Werner_Cichy & @Sharon_Loose @giotaki @Glenn1972,

    Well again, getting "False Messages" in "Chat" on "Bake a Cake". These happened earlier today.

    • Bake A Cake - 3rd False Message - Team Again Has No Cake To Bake - 11/30/2020 - Candy Crush Soda Saga - Origins7 Dale

    Notice it says above on 11/30/2020!:

    • You have less than 2 hours to finish the cake!
    • Time's up, bakers! How much of the cake did we finish?

    The team never got a "Cake" to bake. So clearly, can't have 2 hours to finish something we don't have. Of course, the 2nd question is ridiculous, but, the answer would be, team didn't finish the "Cake", because you never sent it. (hehe)

    Does anyone else on our team, have or getting these "Messages in Chat"?

    From *Page 4 Screenshot on 11/23/2020!

    Notice it says:

    • You have less than 8 hours to finish the cake!

    From *Page 5 Screenshot above on 11/27/2020!

    • Soda Squad Team - False Message In Chat - No Internet Connection - On 11/27/2020


    Wonder how long this is going to continue? Tells me the "Internal Game Clocks" or "Game Server Clocks" or both, haven't been "Recalibrated" yet. Certainly not on this event of "Bake A Cake", or it seems, on any part of the game.

    The CM's @LadyRaffie @Lola_Pop know about the "Server Issues" on Mr. Toffee's Fair (MTF) at the Soda Corner for the Game Experts, *Page 18, I posted / screenshots on 11/29/2020. So clearly justified in saying this, the evidence is overwhelming.

    Well, until the next "False".

    Cyas Teammates - Origins7 Dale, 😀

    My Player / User ID: 9815076088 

    I only use "Win 10 Pro PC - Desktop App", for now. 


  • Werner_Cichy
    Werner_Cichy Posts: 30,269

    Yes, I got this message too. I've been looking for the cake for days.


    Have already lost weight 🤣😂🤣

  • Glenn1972
    Glenn1972 Posts: 16,650
    edited November 2020

    Hi @Origins7_Dale , I was thinking the "False messages" were gone. I played on Android yesterday and today - all good. I will play in win 10 in an hour or so.

    No Cake on Android or in my win 10

  • Hi @Origins7_Dale yes I had exactly the same messages

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?