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What's happening in Soda in May? 🏖️🏹
🏆🏖️ Soda Summer Season is here!
🎉🥳New Accessibility features are coming to Soda!

🏆🏹 Claim your Soda Cup Badge!
Qualifers // Quarters // Semis // Finals

Why are the badges not awarded during game play?

hectec Posts: 11 Level 2

Why do they make it so difficult to receive a badge that you earned. It's like they are making you work twice, for something that you rightfully already earned.

Best Answer

  • LadyRaffie
    LadyRaffie Posts: 4,130 Community Manager
    edited December 2020 Answer ✓

    Hello @hectec !

    Welcome to our Community!

    At this moment, gameplay and Community are not linked and that is the reason we ask our players to post their progression in the game in order to receive a badge.

    But, we are working hard on linking both the Community and the game so you guys won't have this friction.

    I hope I answered your question 🤗


Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?