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A Calcudoku Math Puzzle

_Elsa_ Posts: 36,692 Sweet Legend
edited April 2020 in Contests

This is not going to be a contest to win rewards, however, please feel free to solve it.Β The answer to this puzzle is attached but try to solve it without looking at the answers. This might be difficult for some but easier for others. I have no clue how it works! Good luck!

Β Calcudoku is a combination of an arithmetic and logic puzzle. The rules are the same as sudoku, but you get clues. Every 'cage', a group of cells printed with a thick border, has printed the result of arithmetic operation on all the numbers in the cage. With these clues you have to complete the puzzle.

Complete the puzzle by filling the empty squares.

The rules are:

1. The numbers you can use are from 1 to 6.

2. In each row and in each column each number can appear only once (just like in Sudoku).

3. Each "cage" (the blocks with the thick border) shows a result and an operation (addition: +, subtraction: -, multiplication: x, or division: /). The operation applied to the numbers in the cage should produce the result shown.

4. A number may be used more than once in the same cage, but not more than once in each row or column.

Β In case of subtraction or division, arrange the numbers from the cage from largest to

smallest. For example: the result is 1- (operation is subtract and the numbers in the

cage are 1, 2, 4 and the then you need to arrange them into 4 - 2 - 1.

Let's practice using the Spoiler Box. Open a message and then click on the backwards "P" and then click on the Spoiler from the drop down menu. Place your answer in the Spoiler area and then save your message!

Back to: Let’s do some puzzles


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