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🌈 Let's celebrate our uniqueness! 🌈



  • siti_payung
    siti_payung Posts: 13,089


    What have You Achieved and are You Proud of? 🌟

    Well..the person I admire and always proud of was my mother. She can't read but she was excellent with maths. She not educated but she knew everything and always excell in what ever she was doing. She never doing thing half ways and very determined woman. I always ♥ ❤ 💓 💗 you, mother. I will always proud of you and pray for you.

  • Thank you @Yosca for creating such a unique discussion. I love to learn more about our players. My unique story is that I have overcome the fear of some upcoming surgeries I am about to go through in the next couple of months. I have stood beside my husband every step of the way while he has went through so much with having cancer ♋ we found out 2 months ago he has cancer.. I have went every step with my son since he was 15 now 26 having cancer 💙 my daughter whom lives with me was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder and selective mutism so I have been by her side I have endured so so much in the last couple of years and have overcome it but it has made me the soft hearted person I am today. It has made me one of the strongest women in the world. The thing is I love my family with all in me I would have not had it any other way other then standing beside them. I will stand by them until I fall. I have endured some of the most stress, aggravation, sadness, depression, and emotional situations in the last 2 years but I have come out of it a more stronger, better, and courageous person that is my unique story 😊

  • sambrat
    sambrat Posts: 232

    I’m proud my father has survived cancer

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,744

    That was great! I am proud my father has also survived lung cancer. But unfortunately my father died due to heart attack on 20th April 2021. Rest in Peace to my father! 👼

  • Boybinary
    Boybinary Posts: 3,073

    I am proud for providing for my family

  • teasir
    teasir Posts: 4,565

    I am proud of my personal growth.

  • LadyGaivman
    LadyGaivman Posts: 1,763

    Hi, when I was a little girl I took special education classes and I also had 2 take a Learning Disability class 2 graduate high school. I am proud of myself, I liv on my own. Drive a car. But I do live alone. I like having my independence even though if I need help with something I always ask someone 2 help.

  • teasir
    teasir Posts: 4,565

    Living life, one day at a time.

  • My family is my special uniqueness . And I m proud of my family . I m student of college . One time a fill a form of neet exam . Am I not prepared for this exam . Because I thought I m not fill that form so I can not prepared for exam . When my exam is come I do my best . I m surprised when I saw my result . I qualified that test . So on that day I m so happy and that day is my best day in my life 💝💝

  • My special uniqueness is that I am one of a kind you’ll never find anyone else like me

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