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The hand booster isnt working!!



  • Yaz_Milani
    Yaz_Milani Posts: 204 Level 3
  • Yaz_Milani
    Yaz_Milani Posts: 204 Level 3
    @Alessandro_S I finally found a way to send the link. It is in the msg above. I hope you can see clearly that it doesn’t allow me to move the booster, which is the fish in this case, it has also acted the same way with the colour boosters. It works only on random tiles. 
  • Alessandro_S
    Alessandro_S Posts: 314 Level 4
    Thank you @Yaz_Milani, excellent job!

    The video shows free switch booster refusing to swap green fish and yellow candy, but it isn't decrementing the number of boosters while doing so - even upon multiple attempts.

    Eventually, the swap of two different candies in a row above succeeds and the booster count decrements.

    So we can conclude that (at least in this sample) the issue is of lack of functionality of the free switch rather than "loss of boosters".

    One more question before I set out replaying level 2380 on my Android phone and see whether I get the same behavior - what is the platform you're playing on?
  • Yaz_Milani
    Yaz_Milani Posts: 204 Level 3
  • Yaz_Milani
    Yaz_Milani Posts: 204 Level 3
    edited January 2019
    I hope that helps 
  • Alessandro_S
    Alessandro_S Posts: 314 Level 4
    Yes, it helps. I should be able to find time to test 2380 on non-iOS later and report back. Please hang on...
  • Alessandro_S
    Alessandro_S Posts: 314 Level 4
    Turns out there are differences - you have a icing without licorice, mine has licorice, so it will be impossible for me to try and swap anything from the iced square which is causing you issues.

    I also get 33 moves to start, much less than yours, but that's a side note ;)

    @Xarly: Free switch on completely iced square appears to not work, per uploaded video. I can not reproduce as my iced square has a licorice beneath ice and no candy.
  • Alessandro_S
    Alessandro_S Posts: 314 Level 4
    edited January 2019
    Hold on. I rewatched screenshots and I can't understand how licorice (which also exists on @Yaz_Milani 's board) disappears from under ice... there must be a different glitch than I thought.

    Let me look into the video some more...

    OK, video starts from after licorice disappeared, so I think the glitch is whatever causes licorice to vanish, and candies to somehow end up on squares where they couldn't be (because there SHOULD be licorice there)... and after that they can't be moved from there.

    @Yaz_Milani: can you upload a video which shows transition between licorice-exists and licorice-vanished?
  • Yaz_Milani
    Yaz_Milani Posts: 204 Level 3
    The colour bomb with the green exploding candy made the licourice disappear. I did not record before that. It was just pictures. To be honest I’ve never screen recorded until you requested it. 
  • Alessandro_S
    Alessandro_S Posts: 314 Level 4
    I believe you - though I think that doesn't happen on Android as far as I know: licorice under blockers (ice or honey) is last to go.

     @Xarly, do you know anyone on iOS that can try a color+chocolate and see whether candy drops in squares with ice where previously licorice existed?

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?