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New feature - Mr Toffee's Fair!



  • MrBlisterThumb
    MrBlisterThumb Posts: 6

    Level 2

    @Birdgirl - "If I wanted to play with other players, that is the type of game I would have chosen initially."

    EXACTLY!! I have to be social for ever part of my freaking day, can I just have a casual game that lets me be alone for a freaking minute?! If I wanted group/social/team game-play, I'd download one of those stupid games!

  • dalec
    dalec Posts: 24

    Level 3

    They are coming up with this team play stuff because they are hoping you succumb to perceived peer pressure and buy boosters in order to "help" the team, even though your "team" is a bunch of computer generated blockers. They are an insult to our intelligence.
  • Anne_Martin
    Anne_Martin Posts: 300
    When MTF at least gives the rewards you have won, he may have a name. For now, the app is cheating, with ridiculous rewards, an hour of free play, and a striped candy, and to add insult to injury, does not give them! I have to find the name of a famous traitor for him...

    We have had the cheerful comments of QueenB, like everything is the best in the best of the worlds, and that attitude upsets me a lot.
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
    Maybe we should send the Bubblegum troll after him.
  • Anne_Martin
    Anne_Martin Posts: 300
    could it be that the studio, mad because of the massive layoff, is boycotting the game without the bosses understanding it?
  • Anne_Martin
    Anne_Martin Posts: 300
    on April 22, page 25 ir around, there was a post from Janinann who has to be a computer-generated character. I'll copy it so that you can watch the garbage we are fed....
    March 26, the honorable Xarly wrote:

    The overall goal is not about spending money, as some of you point out. Of course we need to make sure our games are profitable so that we can keep working hard on providing you all with entertainment, but at the end of the day, features like this one are focused on making sure you all enjoy it and have fun playing it, while working together for an extra reward.

    Can you believe it????
  • Anne_Martin
    Anne_Martin Posts: 300
    edited May 2019
    and here the fiction from Janineann:

    "Look at the booster situation I was able to obtain today with Mr. Toffee’s Fair. It’s a combination of the daily free boosters and completing a line and reaching treasure chests on the map! Persistence paid off and I dare say I’m having fun..."

    April 4

    Very interesting since you have no chests in CSS, and you CANNOT  get that much from Mr Stupid!
    It was the only time something positive was said about MTF! and of course, it was just a bunch of lies.
  • Jami_Fagala
    Jami_Fagala Posts: 71

    Level 3

    @QueenB thank you
  • marscrushinit
    marscrushinit Posts: 2,536
    Ok @Anne_Martin I'm gonna go ahead and say @Elsa so eloquently did. Please quit calling mr t Mr stupid. I have a nephew who was born with down syndrome. He is by NO means stupid , but a lot of people look at him and pity him and the struggles he will have in life. Some consider him such and it is straight OFFENSIVE when you say these things. Now I have sat back LONG enough and heard you repeatedly use this term and have kept my mouth shut. Yes , I'm off topic and may be repremanded for this but I'm asking you AGAIN to please be respectful. I have read all the grips and moans from you and generally chose to allow you to have your opinion as I believe in free thought. But this ?  Really? Please stop. I know you're angry with the game but you could really be offending others. Voice your opinion please , but without using this word. I'm hyper sensitive to this and I would NEVER say something intentional to offend you, and you are offending me at this point. With the utmost respect I ask you to stop. I don't like mtf at all , but I can complain about the game without making someone else offended. I could go on ahead and offend you but I am a lady who respects you so I won't. Please show the same 
  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429
    I always see these pictures - Sreenhots and am really surprised what it all there. Just do not think it's alright that the players all have something else or nothing at all. Why is not this made uniform? We are all equal players, but each one is treated differently. Something's really going through my head. Does not like that at all. Because I am honest and decent. Am a normal player, like you and me. That such differences are not easy. Is for me bottom drawer. Sorry !!!

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?