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Disappearing Events & Extra features on W10! FIXED!



  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123

    Hello @Christa65 Hearty Welcome to our friendly King Community 🤗

    By any chance, are you playing on Windows 10? If so, this issue is being experienced by some of the players from past few weeks, and it persists only on Windows 10 and all other platforms are working fine.

    This issue was already reported to the Soda Studio and they are looking into it for a fix. Here is the main thread for you to follow up (click on the Green fonts) ----> "EVENTS Disappeared on Windows 10"

    This thread will be closed now as you have been redirected to the main thread.

    Thank you for your patience and understanding!

  • dimore
    dimore Posts: 8

    Level 2

    unfortunately today the problem remains, am I thinking of uninstalling the game and reinstalling it, in this case will I lose everything or will I find everything again if I re-enter the new game with nick and password?

    Thank you

  • Yosca
    Yosca Posts: 17,879

    @dimore If you uninstall and reinstall you can loose all your boosters. They are saved on your device. So if you have many of those I would reconsider.

  • dimore
    dimore Posts: 8

    Level 2

    ok, thanks

  • tourmaline
    tourmaline Posts: 7

    Level 2

    @PummyRaj said that "This thread will be closed now as you have been redirected to the main thread.

    Thank you for your patience and understanding!"

    I followed each link and all of them had this message and a link to another thread. It's like a wild goose chase when you follow the links. You eventually end up where you started.

    What's that about? Which link is the correct "main thread?"

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 66

    Level 3

    I also missed some events in this game

  • sharkeymw
    sharkeymw Posts: 367
    edited March 2020


    That post and the one it references have been merged into this one by someone with powers to do so. They are moving all the new threads that are started about this issue and merging them into this thread, which is considered the 'main thread'.

  • sharkeymw
    sharkeymw Posts: 367

    To the CM's -- I am not trying to cause issues, but perhaps if you would pass along a suggestion to 'the studio', I'd appreciate it.

    Quite frankly, I find the failure to at least address it from a studio level to tell us what's going on and ask more questions troubling, since we're the ones having the issue and might well be able to point them in the right direction, vis-a-vis the post from the gentleman about it starting right after an update that allowed people to post individual results to facebook. It can't be JUST that, since there are some who can see the features on facebook and some who can't, but there are patterns to every failure, you just have to figure out exactly what they are, and that takes interacting with people who can duplicate the issue, even if you can't.

  • sharkeymw
    sharkeymw Posts: 367
    edited March 2020

    And that just sparked a question in my head .. I play on a windows 10 PC that does NOT have facebook installed as an 'app' nor do I use a browser to access facebook on that PC (since I don't use it at all). I wonder how many that this affects on windows 10 that can play on facebook are using their facebook on another device like a tablet or smartphone to play? .. How many are using facebook through a browser interface to play? Does anyone that is affected actually have facebook installed as an app on their Windows 10 PC? One more question too .. I use my Windows 10 in what used to be termed 'desktop' mode .. where I have a bunch of icons on my desktop to activate things I want as opposed to the 'app style' mode where you have a bunch of squares and rectangles that you can scroll to to get to your apps. How about the rest of y'all having issues?

    Getting answers to those questions might narrow down the exact causes of the issues.

  • NhWendy
    NhWendy Posts: 35

    Level 3

    Desktop mode windows 10. Launch from icon. No Facebook.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?