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New Booster: Supersonic Lolly



  • Freenspirit
    Freenspirit Posts: 16

    Level 2

    This is and has been a good idea of a booster but the pieces on level I am at, not sure if same for everyone, are so few and far between that usually one has disappeared before I get another and seems to show up when I need them least should I dare when you do finally get one is wonderful, thanks for helping but can you make them drop a little more often?!?!?!


    SRMVVCB Posts: 34

    Level 3

    I really like the sonic lollipop but have an issue with the time constraint. I have gotten quite a few pieces but then the timer will run out and I lose the piece. If we are to have the timer shouldn’t there be a way to get another piece instead of waiting for one to pop up?

  • jelly84
    jelly84 Posts: 29

    Level 3

    Once u collect a piece you have it, you have to collect all pieces to use the booster.

  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429

    Hello and welcome to this community

    There is a large contribution to this function. I will have it moved there. There you can then post everything that concerns the lollipop.

    @LadyRaffie & @Lola_Pop

    SRMVVCB Posts: 34

    Level 3

    Yes I have used the lollipop before. You don’t lose the lollipop once you have all three pieces but my concern was there is no way to make another piece appear before the timer runs out when you have say one or two pieces. It’s all random.

  • LadyRaffie
    LadyRaffie Posts: 4,124

    Hello everyone!

    @Yaz_Milani yep! You are right!

    @candysodacrusher very interesting ! Thanks for sharing this with us. Will make sure to pass this to the Studio

    @Freenspirit I think @Origins7_Dale can provide you with some tips on which levels are best to get the pieces 😉

    Also thanks for your suggestion.

    @SRMVVCB yes, the timer shows you how long you have until finding the next piece to complete it. Could you please elaborate a little bit more in your suggestion? ☺️

    Thank you everyone for your feedback. The Studio will receive it all and I'm sure they will find it useful. So if you want to share with us more info or questions regardless the way it works or the way you assemble the pieces, please share your thoughts with us!

    Have a Sodalicious day 🤗

  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,933

    I have found the supersonic lolly very frustrating. I got it once which was great, but that was shortly after it appeared and I have not been able to complete it since. I am in the 900s, so have a long ways to go - so I usually just keep playing new levels and there was a stretch where I played 30 + levels (during the pin challenge) and only one piece showed up. How am I supposed to collect the supersonic lolly if the pieces don't show up. In recent weeks - one time I was able to get tow pieces but never a third. It's getting pretty frustrating.

  • Yosca
    Yosca Posts: 17,879

    I totally agree with you @bearwithme ! I am in the highest levels, and got last Friday 45 new levels. I’ve seen 1 piece and nothing more so again no supersonic lolly. I do think this is a very useful feature but no regularity at all to be able to find all the pieces. Then I'd rather not have a supersonic lollipop at all!

  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429

    @LadyRaffie & @Lola_Pop

    I have recently received a maximum of 2 pieces. Sometimes in a row, but not a 3rd part. When everything has expired, a part comes again. I had already expressed my opinion on this. You could do it like this: That you play 3 levels and have a part in each level. Because it takes a long time to reach a level. That you can use it when you need it. Only when you have used it would I recommend putting the parts back into play.

    What do you think?

    It is a suggestion from me !!!

  • Origins7_Dale
    Origins7_Dale Posts: 3,551

    Hi Group & @freensprit & @LadyRaffie,

    For me at least, Level 451, is one of the better levels for doing "Mr. Toffee's Fair" & getting "Supersonic Lolly", along with other things.

    See my previous posts throughout this thread at:

    Also, see:

    *Pinning Levels To The Game!

    For a number of reasons, but mostly because of:

    • Sprinkleshell

    • Have gotten "Supersonic Lolly" 3x from Level 451, yes all 3 pieces.
    • I believe the reason is, not only do I play this level frequently, like every day. But when you use "Sprinkleshell", it is not counted as a move against you. Which means you get "Free Moves", that will not run down the 3 yellow band timer around the icon. This buys you time, or more attempts at the 2nd / 3rd pieces.
    • "Mr. Toffee's Fair", in order to do these quest, you need room to build bombs, striped, wrapped, candies, etc.. Again, my buddy "Sprinkleshell", will clear out large areas, so you can build, what you need.
    • It is much easier to go back, to a weaker level you have beaten, to do these tasks. It is harder to do these building tasks going forward on higher & harder levels. Plus, the added advantage, you have beaten the level already, so the pressure comes off, since you are here, for 1 purpose, to build your candies. By going forward to higher / harder levels, you make it very difficult on yourself, because now, you are trying to do 2 things, beat the level in a limited amount of moves, along with trying to build your candies. Almost impossible to do, or very very hard to do.
    • "Sprinkleshell" eats everything, but only recharges on Cyan / Blue candy.
    • Level 452, right next door, has "Red" candy. If you choose to do that quest. However, there is not much of it, so need to go in maybe 2-3x to get the 100 or 120 or so for "Mr. Toffee's Fair".
    • Below are references, that are loaded with info. Also, includes other levels, where "Sprinkleshell" is at. He is listed. No unlisted numbers in Candy Crush. 😁

    Ok, now that, that's out of the way. Here are some suggestions / thoughts for King on improving the ever popular "Supersonic Lolly".

    • Use "Pop Ups", to announce where "Supersonic Lolly" is at. Say something like this: "Yeti" saw "Lolly" at Level 1001, for example.
    • Put "Supersonic Lolly", or any of the other big boosters in "Bubblegum Hill", as a prize to be won. Or better, give the winner his / her choice of what booster they want, as their winnings.
    • Why you don't have a "Grand Prize" yet, is really surprising. By this I mean, something like your $100 "Divine Dessert", or even bigger. Rewards or cash prizes are very common among large gaming companies. Charge a small admission fee, like say 5-10 Gold bars to play on every attempt. There is no cost to you King, but you gain revenue. At the same time, players have a worthwhile goal to play for. These side games, that cost the players more boosters than what you can win, is just not going to do it. Again you lose nothing, but the players have an incentive to play again. Hold a "Super Grand Prize" contest every 3-6 months or so. Your marketing department, needs to understand what "Rewards" mean. Clearly, if I use 10 color bombs, to win only 1, or have boosters I have earned or bought, to then have them buried in blockers, which in turn means using more boosters to get them out from under 4-5 levels of required hits, to free them, there is no fun in this, only more frustrated, disgruntled players.

    The King Community Managers themselves, pay better with their contest, than the game. Hopefully, I have convinced you, on these issues.

    Anything else you may need, feel free to call on me. I remain in service, for the players.

    *References For Players

    Candy Crush Soda Wiki | Fandom

    Candy Crush Saga Wiki | Fandom 

    Thx Origins7 Dale,

    My Player / User ID: 9815076088


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